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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Apparently this is being investigated.
  2. When we moored at Waters Edge many moons ago. Our neighbours, especially the wife took great delight in coming into Moor using the boat hook. We had just paid £8,000 for the boat to be repainted by Moonfleet. All I can say is we quickly found another mooring at Richardsons.
  3. Wow I do hope your wife was ok.
  4. My thoughts exactly, she is a thing of beauty. She has gone to a good home. If you live near to Wells , there is a lot of these little boats and when the tide is right, off they trundle and come back before the water disappears again.
  5. My expression was, Yep - not a fire this time but just keeled over. Watch from 5 mins in. Prior it all about other huge yachts.
  6. I dont recall saying it caught fire, there have been several that have but it just seems very odd to me that all these glorious boats are ending up in such awful situations. More money than sense , as my old Mum used to say.
  7. Start at 1.28 https://youtu.be/y2m4stAZqss
  8. I didnt even know you could still buy rabbit. I think I would have to go to a Butchers. Years ago in Kent Sainsburys used to sell cubed rabbit on a tray. I used to slow cook that at Christmas time with Brandy and chestnuts to make it festive. Always delicious.
  9. You remind me of the lady in Butterflies. Does anyone else remember this series. I can still see her dishing our the so called gravy. It was solid.
  10. This was an in depth - what happened and why to the boat. It beggars belief that something of such value could be allowed to set sail while not being passed as sea worthy. It was only released yesterday.
  11. Yep - not a fire this time but just keeled over. Watch from 5 mins in. Prior it all about other huge yachts.
  12. So yesterday we moored at Brundall Church Fen and obviously visited the Ram Inn. There's an offer on Tuesday and Thursday 2 courses for £10, the food was lovely and service on point. On a side note, if visiting a pub it's a nice touch to take the plates/glasses back to the bar. She seemed genuinely shocked that we did so. Good for you.
  13. Many a true word!!! Think I may be first in the queue, I never seem to read things correctly of late.
  14. Sorry - no excuse except getting doddery.
  15. Sorry the Ranger at Reedham was not so helpful. I am surprised because when I have been there he always seems to be running from pillar to post to help one boat or another either mooring or leaving. May be he was having an off day. Well done to you, really well done and all on your lonesome. So pleased you enjoyed every moment.
  16. Win win situation when you think of it. Right whose round is it?
  17. Lovely, you cannot beat it, except it bodes rain. Those old Shepherds knew a thing or two. There is another saying Red Sky in the Morning get out the Geiger Counter. I hope and pray that is never true.
  18. Yes you may do at the moment you wait until the gas and electric bills come in.
  19. Yes our dear Iain, I hope he is looking down on the forum and thinking - what is going on?
  20. Dear God - you lot must be bored.
  21. Hylander

    Bird Flu

    The fun part was , I did not approach the dog at all , I was just passing and it went for me. At the time I was quite shocked to think a Lab could be so aggressive. Now I understand more from the dogs side of things. I guess I made him/her nervous by passing for some reason. I went into Tescos and explained what had happened and they were less than interested as to my predicament or whose dog it was. I ended up having a Tetanus injection at the doctors.
  22. Hylander

    Bird Flu

    Finally there are a number of people who are nervous of dogs, yes even your well trained friendly wouldn't hurt a fly dog. So the last thing they want is to be confronted by a dog off a lead, when they have no idea whether you are the best or the worse dog owner in the world. Me for one. I absolutely love dogs but having been mauled by one years ago , it ripped at my arm, a Labrador as well. It was tied up outside Tescos at the time. I am so nervous of them. I have made friends with a Japanese Akita who lives locally and she and I get on like a house on fire. I honestly think she is more nervous than me. She stands behind her owner if anyone comes along.
  23. An old video but this must have been real scary.
  24. I didnt even realise there was an hourly charge for day time mooring. We have moored there. Dumped our trash and even popped to Lathams and no one has ever said anything about paying. We were on a hire boat.
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