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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. My step daughter was like that with her son when he was a youngster. Always spoke to him in a high pitched excitable way , I am surprised he turned out to be so level headed.
  2. Not sure but here on the Southern Broads near Beccles 33 I do believe and that is hot enough and I love the hot weather.
  3. You take care Griff and I know it is a blow for us all who love a drop of the hard stuff, but today and tomorrow best only be drinking plenty of water. Keep safe.
  4. You will have to excuse my ignorance in all this, yes I have copied a lot of my files onto USBs but it is all of the emails that I need to keep. I dont know how to save all the 'crap' I have saved in my Yahoo mail. I dont know why but I just thought you put a cable between the two pressed a few buttons and it all went on to the new machine. Duurrh!!! I think I will take up Jean's idea and look round for someone who knows what they are doing and let them do it all. It will be worth it in the end.
  5. Like you i have been looking for the bigger screen 15 inch plus preferably 17 inch screen. I am beginning to think that everything out there is for gamers. One thing I am not is a gamer. Can I just ask as we are on the subject of laptops etc. I am thinking of changing my laptop for a desktop. Now here is the burning question of the day - how do I transfer all this I have on this laptop on to the new desktop. The majority of what i have on hear is vital that I keep. Thank you to anyone who can help.
  6. Thank you very much for your help. I have downloaded Google Lens. I had no idea it existed. We also have a small tree growing which needs shifting it cannot stay where it is and looking at Google Lens it turns out to be a Birch, may be a Silver Birch as next door has one in the garden.
  7. Well done that is it. Thank you.
  8. Can anyone identify this lovely Poppy. Pure white and looks like a pom pom. (hope I havent insulted anyone by calling it that). We have a patch of ground in the garden and we have given it over to a wild garden. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Vaughan - I must have inherited that expression from Mother who spent 5 years with Father in India during the 2nd World War.
  10. The problem is the Broads as we know it really since the birth of commercialism does not exist anymore. It is all about me me me me. Coltishall used to be a lovely spot , quiet, yes folk on the green but they were never invasive or annoyed anyone, well not while we have been there. The great unwashed have to spoil everything. Roll on when the airline industry sorts itself out. Peace will return.
  11. Anyone got a box of Swan Vestas?
  12. According to the write up they say two previous owners, One having owned her for 1 year and the person before owned her for 6. I think she is a thing of beauty and looking at the photos you can just feel the love that has been bestowed on this beautiful boat.
  13. I will second that. Ours is a 3 mifi and we load it every 6 months. Last for ages.
  14. Congratulations on your new boat. I am sure you will have many happy hours on her. Its all a leaning curve and some of us are still learning. Those that know will be along shortly to help you out.
  15. You have heard the expression - who ate all the pies - well there is a certain Otter who resides in Reedham who I assume has eaten all of the fish. He is really bonny. Saying that hubby caught a nice Bass as did the guy next door and some lovely Bream.
  16. Read this today and thought to myself, not just us boaters who have problems - it seems campervans and the like and birdwatchers also having problems. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/local-council/north-norfolk-district-council-public-toilets-review-9111376?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=DM60387
  17. I will try and make this sound as pleasant as I can. This may be ok for normal functioning folk but anyone with my bowel disease , not on your nelly. If it came to it that you could not flush said you know what down the loo , then that would be the end of boating for me and I would imagine many others as my disease is quite common.
  18. I think as the basic wage for a ticket collector is £33,000 per annum there will be plenty of people waiting to join up. The wages for the other staff members are a great deal higher. A job I should imagine once you get you hang on to. They do pay well. Let us hope the holiday makers do get to their holidays as planned.
  19. Andrex classic, used it for years none of this padded nonsense. Got to be white.
  20. Thank you that is good to hear.
  21. Thank you for your replies. Years ago we stayed at Noosa Sound and Mum was alive then and not that good and to get a phone signal you had to go outside up the road and try up there. I will have a look as suggested to see if my settings does allow wifi to make calls. Thank you for the suggestion. I have just had a look at my settings and even though not one of your all signing and dancing type posh phones it does have wifi calls which you can switch on and off when needed. Good to know and thank you. Whilst looking I was wondering if we had been invaded , so many jets going over head here near to Beccles. Hope its just Uncle Sam playing about.
  22. Last time we stayed in a holiday cottage in Horning the phone signal was pretty non existent. Has it improved at all?
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