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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Here' s even more of a drift, - money for Coronations!! While people cannot afford to heat their homes.
  2. Dont talk to us about Cadent, they moved in up here with us and stayed for about a month and a half. At one time the road in front of us looked like the 100 meter hurdles. We are still waiting for our drive to be put back as it was. The Cadent gas guys are marvellous and very efficient it is all of the contractors that come along afterwards to fill in all of the holes that have been dug. It takes a long time but it is for our safety.
  3. Toft Monks Farm take Christmas Trees for their goats if anyone still has a Christmas tree in this area. Toft Monks is on the A143 and Clinks Care Farm is marked on the attached map.
  4. I would not know how to do all this as will never put banking on my mobile phone. It is bad enough having to use on line banking on a desk top but I just cannot trust a phone.
  5. Sorry to disappoint but I certainly have a cheque book and paying in book and use them all of the time. Thank goodness our local little post office also accepts the cheques to pay into the Bank.
  6. I see you are still have problems posting, in saying that I mean the length of the space taken. How odd.
  7. Shame a lot of footballers today are not like him. A great man, may he rest in peace.
  8. Diet - mods please delete that terrible word........
  9. What a fabulous cooker - I would kill for one of those. My oven light went bang just before Christmas and so light to see what you are doing. Yes easy to replace except this one exploded and when you took the cover off it was just shards of glass and the fitting is well and truly wedged and we cannot remove it.
  10. As we are talking Turkey. I bought my Turkey from a well known Butcher from North of the Border and it was pre-cooked and had a thermometer already in it to tell when it was ready. Whether it was me, but I read every instruction about 10 times as to what to do and when and how to defrost and how to tell if it was defrosted with a probe etc. I can honestly say and I have told them so that it was the worst Turkey I have every cooked. When the probe popped up as instructed I removed it immediately from the oven. Tested it with my probe. Never covered it in foil in the oven or when it was out, that was the instructions, well you could hardly get your knife (yes fully sharpened) through it, it was like leather. I took of some that I could rescue and popped it into the Turkey gravy to liven but that didnt do any good, it was a disaster and I had spent so much time on making my own roasties, bread sauce, cranberry sauce and vegetables but it was inedible. A few wines later I thought well mate you have got two choices its either in the slow cooker or the bin. Through a coin and it came down slow cooker, so in it went the whole blinking lot , added some water and wacked the lid on , on slow for 2 hrs. Well I thought what the heck it cannot get any worse. I didn't bother to go near it last night other than to pop it into the fridge overnight and this morning I looked at this sorry carcass and then decided to carve it and see if I could rescue any of it. To my surprise it carved well and is now all sliced up read for sarnies and a Turkey curry. The bones are making a soup basis. I felt so disappointed , it wasn't cheap £60 for a crown. Next year I will be off to Lidl and get one of theirs. Modern technology is not for me.
  11. My Mum would have started the sprouts in October. They were unrecognisable.
  12. Enjoy today , a very busy day for us cooks. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. At least the days are getting longer now.
  13. Hylander


    Oh such a shame. Despite the Artic weather Greta , yes Greta it is called Winter, I do hope you enjoyed yourselves. Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
  14. Hylander


    When do you return the boat Howard? The weather now is fine a bit wet but not too bad.
  15. 4 years , I just cannot imagine what his 4 years have been prior to being in a lovely home. Well Happy Birthday Pozzick, . One for each year.
  16. Hylander


    I am just pleased we dont live in South Dakota. Just hope what have is not coming our way.
  17. Hylander


    Cant answer that one but you certainly will need to take quite a bit back with you. How many of those 5 ltr bottles will you need, I am no mathematician. If it is not in lbs and oz or feet and inches I am lost.
  18. Hylander


    Welcome to a cold and very frost Beccles. Enjoy your day. Do tell how did you get here.
  19. Hylander


    I like Reedham , also this year the loos up by the pub are really luxurious now , the revamp has made such a difference. Fish and Chips on Friday from the chippy.
  20. Hylander


    Not much warmer in Worlingham - 4. Good job Howard and his wife are not Southern softees. Speaking of South, may be a visit to Reedham. The water runs pretty fast there.
  21. Hylander


    Where are you now Howard. Staying North?
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