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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Will they still do the picnic boats and day boats?
  2. Oh that's a bummer as they had got it very well organised. Just hope the staff will be ok.
  3. 4 times a year he can make other boaters lives very difficult going up and down The Ant. I wouldnt want to meet that thing coming down The Ant or The Chet. Get a smaller boat suitable for The Broads.
  4. One way of finding out, get into conversation with the Skipper. Put us all out of misery then. I am sure there is an explanation or a reason or may be just plain did not realise that certain boats should not be up The Ant. All in all it has at least given us all something to talk about. Never a dull moment.
  5. We’ve seen Hewland many times this year, I think the owner must be a continuous cruiser. It’s a beautiful barge, just fits North Cove or Worlingham but not much room for anyone else! Well sorry but I dont think it should be on the Broads. More suited for the Thames or Holland. As for taking the whole of Worlingham and North Cove , a bit unfair on other toll payers. I wonder how much his toll is just out of curiosity.
  6. Thank you for your reply. They say forewarned is forearmed and so at least you would know what to expect and no surprises. The HW boat which is similar to a Captain if it is anything like the Captain inside then there is so much storage it is really good. The only fault I can find with the design of the Captains and similar is that darn bed. Crawling in and out that in your 70s is no joke. Not being able to sit up in bed and have a cuppa is not good. There is no head room as such where your pillows are. Every boat has its good points and bad, so pleased you are pleased with the Prince of Light. Enjoy your holiday.
  7. Can I just ask did you hire this boat? Looking at the photos the hob for cooking a meal on is pretty basic and more akin to a day picnic boat. Not much thought there. We dont all live on microwaved food. Is there plenty of room for supplies of food? Is there a dining table tucked away somewhere? Is the upholstery plastic or fabric. Hope you dont mind me asking.
  8. Had ours on Friday thank goodness. Just a tad tender on the arm but nothing more. I would rather that than Covid, had the flu jab 10 days before. Our pharmacy would not give you the jab and the flu together.
  9. Yes I was thinking the same and of Howard and his wife. Ok not many hirers would be crossing but they certainly would, it is part of their holiday. Speaking of Howard and his wife, I do hope they are ok as not heard much from them lately.
  10. Looking at this video of the same or similar place , gosh all those fumes.
  11. Whatever is stopping them from getting away from the bridge?
  12. Thank you. A really different perspective on the Broads. Makes the place look very glamorous.
  13. Thank you. Yes we do have access through our surgery to our records etc, and for getting repeat prescriptions etc. I think I will just take our letters with me whenever we go anywhere. What I cannot understand (can anyone) is how come if you cross into Wales the rules are different (different virus?) and if you cross into Scotland the rules change again. No wonder we have not got a clue what is what anymore.
  14. Would someone by kind enough to explain to me how I put on my phone a Q code to confirm that I am fully vaccinated against Covid19. Yes we have the letter from the NHS confirming this but looking at the TV , people seem to have these codes on their phones. Is it necessary to have both?
  15. Well we paid the damage waiver in with our booking , I thought it was always something you had to pay for, you could not opt out. so why put that in the manual. I still think it is to hopefully to send out the message that these items are costly. When you think of it, when you arrive back in the boat yard the night before, after dark , if you have lost your mop, then you could somehow 'acquire' one from another moored boat alongside.
  16. My theory is that it is more physiological in the fact that folk will be far more careful with gear knowing that there is a possibility they will be charged at the end of the holiday. Gone are the days when if a fender went missing then that was just replaced and nothing said. Saying that and I guess they must do a proper check after you have left the boatyard (remember they still have your card number) if anything is missing then you will get a bill for it.
  17. When you get on a Richardsons boat , if you read the manual that you are given and it is for you to take away with you, there is on page 19 a list and I quote. Deck Gear Buoyancy jackets £50 Television aerial £25 Keys £25 Lifebelt £22 Mudweights £30 Mop £18 Boat hook £18 Rond Anchor £8 Hammer £8 Ropes £8 Fenders £5 Water key £2 These are a scale of charges relating to any lost items for which you are liable. So moral of the story - make sure everything is shipshape before you leave as Grendel has said.
  18. Oh how true... My sister, the brainy one , went to The Blue Coat School on Blackheath and went on in later life I might add to University and got a degree , is the most impractical person I have ever met.
  19. I too did not go to university, never even had the chance , we are talking early 60s. I was informed very early on by my parents that if I wanted to remain in their house I had to get a job and pay my keep. I was 15 years old. Boy how things have changed. Never did me any harm though. I decided very early on to start at the bottom and at every opportunity I got to cover for someone who was on holiday or off sick I covered for them and gained a lot of experience in doing so. Before long there was a vacancy further up the ladder and I applied and got it. As Fred says - the experience of the university of life.
  20. Morrisons in Beccles - no fuel sign, but I dont think the only problem was fuel, the whole of the garage was under water since this morning. May be it has dried out a bit now. A lady was telling us in the store that she got there at 7 when it opened and realised how deep the water was when she opened her car door and the water poured in. She had to drive out as could not get petrol because of the water.
  21. This is interesting... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09xpsp7?at_campaign=64&at_custom1=link&at_custom3=LR BBC Radio Norfolk&at_custom2=facebook_page&at_custom4=DD73B6F2-251A-11EC-A0D2-D4243A982C1E&at_medium=custom7
  22. 6 at night , a day or picnic boat would be back at its base.
  23. The awful part is , another holiday ruined and I bet your bottom dollar that they will not be back. In the photo that I saw everyone looked ok which is the main thing.
  24. I for some reason cannot open your link. As this boat was wild moored I would think, because if at the Church mooring they could have got off the boat, may be it was a tree root that caused the damage.
  25. Things could be a lot worse you know:- https://youtu.be/045__ojHb_g
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