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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. This is terrible. Frightening folk like this. How are old folk supposed to compete with a load of people, not keeping their distance scrabbling around for items that they dont really need , just because some Twit comes out with this rubbish. This has been an oncoming problem for weeks, for weeks the Transport Industry has been saying they needed for drivers, in fact I would say at least 2 months now. As far as I am aware they are training drivers as quickly as they can. Bring in our troops again please and someone give Downing Street and its occupants a month off so normal people can get this country moving again. Iceland is advertising for more staff. Life goes on.
  2. Nothing as it use to look, completely overgrown.
  3. It is really frightening. Wonderwall I can see you are from Bonnie Scotland. Do hope that Scotland has some of this glorious sunshine. It makes a change of us in the East of England to get some decent weather. Usually a blast from the Russian Steppes most of the time. Definitely an overcoat colder most days.
  4. It is terrible to see all those picturesque villages just washed away.
  5. I just hope HEM and family are safe.
  6. I want me money back. We certainly had no curtains and only discovered this when we moored at Berney Castle the first night. We searched high and low but nowt. We had to put up with that for 14 nights. Oh for the days when you could afford to have 14 nights.
  7. Snap - and from what I recall it had no curtains at the front. Whoever buys this will have to do a lot of work on the road to and from the main road. It is one huge pot hole.
  8. I have to chuckle at all this talk of leaving the heating on all night, crumbs on our boat the heating like anything else that takes power, it is used sparingly.
  9. Oh no. I have been wondering about Geoffrey and Austin for a while now. So sad to see. Moonfleet maintained the boat for them and whoever takes this boat on has a lot of boat for their pennies.
  10. Do you really need a map - I would have thought you could find your way around the Broads blind fold.
  11. Yes Brooms boats are lovely, tip - bring your own duvet or sleeping bag and also your own parking space from home. Edited to say , the reason I say bring your own duvet or sleeping bag is, Brooms provide a blue thing , and that the only way I can describe it, supposedly Covid friendly duvet as far as laundering is concerned but absolutely no warmth in it what so ever.
  12. If it makes you feel any better, I think it looks worse than it is. If everyone just takes their time the boats always sort themselves out. I dont much care for the pointy thing at the front of any yacht heading my way though. You will be fine, more than you can say for my effort to quote your post. Dont know what happened here Judge? What I did chuckle at was the paddle boarders calmly paddling away and taking it all in their stride.
  13. Having visited the ladies in recent weeks I have to say they were spotless, plenty of toilet rolls and hot water and a drying machine. However, which I have reported to the Parish Council none of the doors in the ladies close. They are warped and need attention.
  14. Last holiday we had there last October parking was a joke. You used to be able to park near your boat or at least you could see it from the boat. Not anymore the place has changed and nothing to do with Covid.
  15. Plain GREED, hope it all comes back to bite them on the bum big time.
  16. Well done. You may as well have the readies in your pocket. Boating is constantly splashing out the cash be good to have some coming back in.
  17. This smacks of a plan that nobody but nobody has thought through. Business is business yes but without parking their customers will be putting their hard earned elsewhere.
  18. I was reading about this product today. Apparently if you have a vase or ornament for example that you do not want to get knocked flying , either by little toddlers or may be in our circumstances by a rogue dodgem day boat that whacks you when moored or even a passing boat going too fast and things go flying on the boat , pop a dollop of this gel under said item and it wont fall over. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Clear-Museum-Adhesive-Crystal-Delicates/dp/B0002V37XY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=QYBM0UZYHCHO&dchild=1&keywords=museum+gel&qid=1625817122&sprefix=Museum%2Caps%2C275&sr=8-1
  19. Unfortunately, P potti's are really expensive to purchase the old bin men will sell it if you dont.
  20. When we had our Bounty we also had a porta potti on board. It was never used but was there just in case as I have tum problems. It is now in the loft.
  21. £5,000 a year before all of the rest of it to pay out. Tolls, Fuel, Insurance, Servicing, day to day expense, pumps out etc etc, you need to be quite wealthy these days to have a boat and that's before you pay for a boat.
  22. Well - and this said with tongue in cheek - once when moored at Herringfleet we witnessed a porta potti floating down the river. Just a thought. My advice is clean it up (rubber gloves and a peg for your nose at hand) and sell it, if it is in good working order. You can then sell it.
  23. At the end of the day (yes I know night comes) as long as all on board are safe that is all that matters. With the strength of the tide there the boat would be at an angle when it went down with the tide. Flash boat or not , it would have been very scary.
  24. From what she was saying on 'Lorraine' the other morning, because of this 'woke' brigade now she is finding it hard to use her mantra and down right cattiness that she use to use as part of her act. I guess now she is like a bottle of flat champagne. I have not watched but will do so.
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