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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Thank you for the link. I did not know you could pay by card. We are often scrubbling (is that a word) around for the cash to cross. That makes it much easier.
  2. Hylander

    Not Good

    https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/search?postcode=NR34+7AR At least in our area Peter things are not so bad as other places. I do agree that there is a lot of olduns that really are being silly and not staying a distance from others. I personally do not go shopping and have everything , literally everything delivered. When we go for a walk we cross over the road if anyone else is approaching us, sometimes we dont have to as they cross before us. There are a lot of sensible folk out there. Mostly here where we live the average age I would think is 70 so (not to my knowledge) no raves going on here. Most of us are in bed by 10. Gosh we do live exciting lives.
  3. Welcome Robin. Aboattime , thank you for the photo of the crew, just as a matter of interest, looking at the various ways their caps are positioned on their heads, where should the cap , (hat or whatever) be placed. I have often wondered this when looking at the Military Police chaps, some I doubt they can see past the peak of the cap at times it is so low down.
  4. Hylander

    Not Good

    We are not only fighting Covid19 but stupidity. I dont know about fixed penalties , they should be locked in a cage somewhere where they cannot infect others for two weeks. Who are these morons?
  5. That is whole idea!! In return Happy Wife then happy husband.
  6. I use to be Miss Wright funny enough. You have to remember that Women in general do not nag they just point things out.
  7. Happy wife - happy life...
  8. Now that is an excellent idea. Saves a lot of hassle as not the easiest of roads to up and find out the ferry is not running and then have to go the long way around after all.
  9. Problem is Maurice is we have no mountains. This is Norfolk. I was just conjuring up the picture of you dressed as Tina Turner with your fluffy wig and short sparkly dress and red high heels, not forgetting the fishnets.
  10. Went to Reedham Ferry for some fresh air this morning. I was surprised with the height of the water that it was running at all but it was also very busy with walkers and cars. The roads were thick mud where the water had run off of the fields and one road had a tree right across it. The photos of the fields were taken from the car.
  11. Well for what its worth I thought Clarkson was wonderful. I cannot think of anyone I would rather take the pee out of , than Piers (his attitude of he can interrupt anyone at any time , it is not their opinion that counts it is his, his , his, ) Morgan - Spelt Big M small Organ.
  12. On a more positive note this was the uptodate situation in our postcode today. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/search?postcode=NR34+7AR I have just been looking at the traffic crossing the Wroxham Bridge and it looks no different than normal. Wells Next The Sea car park - chocker.. https://www.portofwells.co.uk/webcam/
  13. Oh my goodness, not good at all. Talk about having a paddle.
  14. Noticed yesterday that Beccles was flooded really badly and looking at the Wroxham web cam first thing this morning the water is well over the edge at the Bridge.
  15. Yes now that is a must, wonderful viewing and can be viewed by the whole family. I was impressed by the thought that GMB had actually decided to put on Good Morning Britain on Christmas day. The day arrived and to my amazement it was Piers Morgan and Susanna Reed, to my horror the words across the bottom strap read , previously recorded. All the money those two earn could they not in this year of Covid have made the effort to get into the studio on Christmas Day!! I turned it off immediately in disgust.
  16. Happy and Healthy Christmas Day to everyone.
  17. Crumbs too much celebrating christmas by the look of it.
  18. Thank you Jean. Hope you are settling in to your new home now. Christmas is a special time. I love Christmas here and seeing when you are out and about the countryside at Christmas, a bit wet and puddly but lovely just the same.
  19. https://youtu.be/zr6xOqtn-rw They are excellent well done the local Council.
  20. Fantastic. I did chuckle at your other half completely ignoring Santa whizzing around.
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