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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/warning-over-boat-propellers-water-safety-norfolk-broads-coast-1-6802060?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_campaign=DM29775
  2. Just looked at the Wroxham web cam and the day boats are leaving. So seems at the moment they are able to be out and about on the river.
  3. Saying that, the boat yard may have cancelled the day boat trip anyway and offered another safer day.
  4. You will be fine , you could not have picked a more sheltered spot to start off from. As said stick to the rivers, you should be given a map or have one yourselves. You dont have to go miles. Go up to Dilhlam, lovely spot for lunch and the kids can get off and run about on the green there. Just be extra careful getting on and off and wear your life jackets. I have just been watching paddle boarders on the river at Horning.!!!!
  5. The problem with midges is that if you kill one , fifteen million come to its funeral.
  6. According to North Norfolk News this morning there was a serious accident between a lorry and a car and the road closed near to Tesco. Hope for everyone involved.
  7. The word 'grockles' is so disparaging , we need our tourists in this area. I wish people would not use that word to describe our visitors. I have heard it used in Bournemouth by the locals about visitors. Not nice.
  8. The problem is, the folk on the day boats had no idea that you were coming in for a pump out, to their mind you were just something else on the river at the time. I dont suppose they meant any harm and probably afterwards they thought oh dear shouldn't have done that. We have all done silly things on the river over the years and felt a right numpty. It is the way you learn.
  9. Just another 'fad' do you honestly think we will be talking about this in 10 years time?
  10. If there is a Calendar this year, your last photo , can you enter it, excellent photo.
  11. Your very first photo looks an ideal mooring, where was it please?
  12. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/norfolk-coronavirus-cases-increase-by-19-1-6782037?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_campaign=DM29247
  13. Gives a new meaning to the saying 'a watched kettle'. That was a bit odd but I suppose at least it lit.
  14. HW picnic boats do not have mud weights. I would not even bother with one. You will find the day flies past , never enough hours in the day for everything you want to do. Just enjoy every moment. HW picnic boats you have to take your own mugs, cutlery, glasses etc yourself, the only things they provide are:- 1 toilet roll, 1 tea towel, washing up liquid, a J cloth, a small bar of soap in the bathroom along with a towel to dry your hands. No saucepans or frypans. I took a small saucepan as we had hot dogs and I needed to heat them. I took paper plates, napkins, kitchen towel. This was at a time when pubs were not open. If that is any help. HW picnic boats have a fridge for the beer etc. Dont forget teaspoons and a can opener and bottle opener. Nearly forgot dont forget matches. I know our picnic boat had automatic lighting on the hob but it is best to have a box of matches.
  15. Yesterday I ventured out. Firstly went to the Post Office and while in the queue everyone was wearing masks except for one young lady , I would have said 18 ish. Went onto Morrisons, first time since March, felt terrified quite frankly. All was better than expected , managed to actually get some Homepride Self Raising Flour and chocolate chunks. Now I can make my chocolate cakes. The only downside to it all was we had to queue for the tills along a very narrow isle , we never moved for a good 3 minutes, and then the queue started to shift. I was assured by others in the queue that it is not normally like that, which if so , is good. Came home exhausted from just the stress of it all and worrying , have I caught it. Saying that I will go again and as advised by the 'font of all wisdom' who I happened to be behind in the queue , go about 10.30, it is never like this. So as I always do as I am told, 10.30 it is next time.
  16. grendel - dont mention knicker elastic to some of the old boys at this time of the morning. They will be all of a twitter.
  17. Andyyg a man after my own heart. I wouldn't consider a holiday where I felt cold or damp all the time that's not fun in my book. No and no do I, it is not exciting , or enjoyable, anything but.
  18. Oh how I wish Spain and the like were not shut down and all this rubbish could be over there causing grief instead of on our precious Broads. Hope the boat was ok. Disgusting behaviour, they should be chucked off of the boat.
  19. Must be your own boat as being able to set the heating 30mins before the pub closed. Also your batteries must be tip top.
  20. Not being the font of all knowledge or having a crystal ball , I would hope and pray that this area is not one of the 'hubs' that will face a local lockdown. If it were Norwich as a city , the rest of the Broads would still be ok. Let us look on the glass half full if we can.
  21. If that was your only mistake first time out, well done you.
  22. Excellent and what a good thing that young lad and his father were saved at Gt Yarmouth.
  23. We used to moor next to a couple and every time they came into moor she (Irish Ma Larking) would get their darn boat hook and push off from our boat which we had, just at great expense had painted by Moonfleet. She was one of these that you could not tell anything, she was always right. We soon found a new mooring.
  24. I speak as I find. My order arrived yesterday very promptly, good quality items. Would order again with them.
  25. You passed us going up to moor at Langley Dyke this morning. Prior to you mooring the boats leaving had been double moored. Very popular place to go to by boat and also a lovely walk for us two old codgers. We noticed that Lodden Staithe was chocker.
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