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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I agree about the shortages, of all things thanks to Jamie Oliver, uncooked poppadoms were out of stock. Since March 23rd to the 1st of July it has taken me that long to purchase SR flour from Sainburys. I have now got 1.25 kg of SR flour at last. Can I ask all you budding cooks if you have any ideas for catering on a boat for 4 nights and 7 nights. I am bored stupid with my own ideas and need some inspiration. I dont mind making things before hand if i can freeze.
  2. Thank you for posting this, I did ask this question myself on another post, not that I am from Leicester but good to know you can book with confidence.
  3. You want to go there by road, when you get there you feel like saying, well you really would have to want to arrive here. In the photo one of the upstairs windows is open.
  4. Alan I took my information that Mr Weston was a member from the 'snip' below. He obviously follows the forum, as reflected in his thank you post which the forum allowed. Lots of folk are not members but still come and have a look see what is going on and it is good to know that what they are viewing is unlike 'Facebook' or 'Twitter' both of which I would not go near with a barge pole.
  5. the dog which attacked Mr Weston was seen out and about whilst wearing a muzzle Perhaps it would stand you in good stead if you did not try to make mischief out of every circumstance on this forum. Mr Weston is a forum member and each one of us should respect each other. You dont have to like or agree with other members of the forum but we can still all be respectful.
  6. For all of you that really dislike Miles W, he has just been attacked by a Staffy,. I am hoping that this does not bring you joy. He spent 2 days in hospital after an op to repair the damage. See his you tube video.
  7. Surely they cannot all go out at 5, I am sure it is the luck of the draw as to whether you are on the early afternoon shift, late afternoon shift, or even the midnight shift. What is good is that we are now getting away on our hire boats. Rather be safe than sorry. What the 50,000 odd folk who have died in all this, would give to have the luxury of waiting may be a few hours to go on holiday. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I do not catch this dreadful virus. The river will still be there the next day.
  8. Whatever the name they are all a pain in the posterior. Why do they have to make them so low on some boats and others you cannot reach the floor as they are perched up so high. Sounds like a Mansfield with the eyeball type but the Mansfield did not flush using the pedal.
  9. I agree, your health is everything but money is unfortunately a necessary evil and comes second.
  10. Thank goodness the web cam now does not look at the gardens any more. http://norfolkrivercottages.co.uk/rivercam1.html
  11. Please do, your winter exploits keep us going in the long dreary dark days.
  12. The trouble is unless you post under Private Members out and about under which rules say you cannot repeat anything anywhere else, you are open to this kind of thing. That is why I try to post under Private Members Out and About where possible.
  13. I know how this little guy feels....
  14. Also read that where the BA shed is built , that is really the mooring for this particular property, the BA have done a deal and offered the spot where Brave-heart is moored instead. Now make of that what you will. Not sure if that is so or someone's slant on it all.
  15. Plus all of those Seagulls. You would be forever cleaning up their deposits. I also read the post and agree with you it does not really offer a lot. Different if he/she could build a boat shed there , then it would be more private and not likely to be invaded by people who really would not know of this albeit , new arrangement regarding the mooring. (unless huge PRIVATE signage). Very popular with fishermen that spot. When you went out for the day , then you would come back to Harry and his pals all set up for the evening ready to fish. (the name Harry used just as an example).
  16. Blooming heck - remind me never to get on the wrong side of you lot.
  17. Oh I know the feeling. Our thoughts are with you and yours at this time.
  18. Hylander

    Sold Boat

    Envy you the motorhome. Have some wonderful adventures. Would love to hear about them.
  19. Looking at HW just a moment ago I see there is activity in the marina. Looks as if they are charging up the boats. Well that is my take on it.
  20. Gosh be glad when we can meet over a beer one sunny evening. There is one resounding point that we all agree on and that is a need for kindness and consideration towards our fellow man. We can all argue and rant about the past until the cows come home none of us can change the past, we can only do our best for a better future for every last one of us.
  21. Mindless vandalism isn't a new thing. Just walk around any our churches and you will see paintings defaced. Our Royal family has more skeletons in the cupboard than you can shake a stick at. Not a lot they can do about their predecessors is there? Same goes for all the statues of people who are now no longer with us. I agree about 'rent a mob' it is the same lot every time. They all want this state where they dictate as to what happens. Be careful what you wish for, in a lot of countries you start up like they have and they would be seen no more. At least we have the right to protest.
  22. Oh dear our Oliver - wasnt he a drop out from the charm school. From what I recall didn't he ban Christmas - wait for it that will be the next thing. As has been said on here many times, this is all getting stupid and really quite frightening if it is allowed to go on. 99.9% of the folk in this country just want to get on with their lives, be able to pay the rent or mortgage and feed their families and keep safe.
  23. Shame as at times that could apply to family members. Love to have zoop button to ignore at times. What do they say you can choose your friends but not your family. I do think we ought to get out more and hopefully soon we will be able to.
  24. Gosh a lot of folk with crossed legs I fear....
  25. Make interesting viewing from a riverside holiday home - every cloud and all that....
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