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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Got to thinking last night. I have not seen a post on here for quite some time from Geoffrey Austin and crew. I am sure he could come up with really good ideas to make simple meals at home. Do miss The Corsicans.
  2. David H Would you assume that even if you booked direct with Richardsons they (as they have in the case of the Beast from the East) refund all our monies and offer a further holiday in the future. We were due to go on our boating holiday in early May. Thus all monies have been paid in full.
  3. I feel it is like a bad dream and I wish someone would wake me up soon. We have all watched films about something similar but never ever thought it would happen. I see one of Herby Woods Picnic boats has parted with one of it life belts.
  4. Any port in a storm is my attitude - cannot do any harm.
  5. Thanks Eastcoast very helpful. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  6. That should read, you are not alone. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  7. Good sensible questions, I am sure there is a way round this, getting your will witnessed. Sure you alone at this time with this problem. Will ask. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  8. The web cams are a blessing, usually a couple of times a day I go and have a look at the river. Anyone else the same.
  9. 80% proof I should think by now. Dont drive after consuming.
  10. Thank you. Good to know. Life does go on. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  11. Tooth ache is not funny. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  12. On a more serious note what if you need a dentist?
  13. Don't know if I posted on here on this post but I feel I must apologise for the twaddle I fell for and put on here. Apparently after I tackled my daughter in law she reckons she heard it on the radio. Lesson learnt not to take at face value everything that is put in front of you. Sorry. M Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  14. I was told in an email from my daughter in law that this was the advice given to NHS staff. Am I certain of that , in a nutshell, no. Now if you wish to take this down please do so. It didnt make for good reading but did make a lot of sense.
  15. I see Herbert Woods looks busy , are the boats coming back?
  16. I'll raise you two bananas. I ordered 6.
  17. Two edge sword this. Saw an article about Wells Next The Sea, mostly second home owners live there and for quite a while these houses have been occupied by rich escapees from London and the shops are doing a roaring trade whereas at this time of year it would have been very quiet. So I think the genie is already out of the bottle. I think these idiots could do with a spell in the forces to teach them some discipline. Lets face it they have been told it does not affect the young and healthy so it is a question of I am alright Jack or Jill as the case may be. They are spoiling it for everyone. Without your health you are nobody. Think that should be the mantra to drive the message home. Agree with Vanessan on your own boat with plenty of provisions and you are healthy , good fresh air will do you no harm whatsoever. Keep safe everyone.
  18. We will be sending you out again. Well done support your local shops. You mentioned the roads were quiet. This pandemic has cured global warming with one swipe and also folks being overweight from takeways as having to cook for themselves. Saying that last part, we should also support our restaurants who are doing their utmost to abide by the rules and keep everyone as safe as they possible can. I know there will be some who disagree with that.
  19. I had an email saying it will 9 to 10 on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. I got 99.9% of my on line shop including precious Andrex original toilet tissue , a big pack. This was from Sainsburys. This was the email from Tescos CEO. It is fair to say that we find ourselves in uncharted waters. COVID-19 is bringing a change to the UK and it’s clear that lots of things are going to have to shift around in order to help us cope. At Tesco, we have been doing everything we can to keep business as usual, but we now have to accept it is not business as usual. In the last two weeks, we have seen significant and prolonged increases in demand across all of our stores and this is leading to shortages in some products for some customers. Reacting to the latest government announcements, we have to plan on this situation being the new normal and we will do all that we can to make the food you want available, but we need your help. In order to protect the core shopping essentials, we are going to implement some changes in our stores. The changes are designed to simplify what we do so that we can provide more of what people need in a clean and safe environment. We ask for your understanding and your support. From Thursday 19 March we will start to implement the following changes: To ensure more people have access to everyday essentials, we are introducing a storewide restriction of only 3 items per customer on every product line, and removing multi-buy promotions. In order to allow Tesco colleagues to focus on stocking shelves, helping to provide the essential groceries you are looking for and to avoid waste, we will close all meat, fish, deli counters and salad bars. To be able to ensure our stores are clean, that we can replenish stock, and allow our colleagues to rest, we will change our trading hours with all stores closing at 10pm. To ensure we are doing everything possible to reduce the risk of infection for both our customers and colleagues, we will be introducing some distancing measures at the checkout and, to make it swifter, invite customers who can, to pay by card. To help free up slots for the more vulnerable, such as our elderly customers and those who are self-isolating, we are encouraging customers who shop online or choose Click+Collect for their grocery home shopping, to prioritise shopping in-store where possible. To ensure our more vulnerable and elderly customers can shop in-store, we will prioritise one hour every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning between 9-10am (except in our Express stores) and ask that you respect this. Tesco store colleagues can't work from home and a good number of them will need to respond to personal or family challenges connected with dealing with COVID-19. So we would please ask that you understand the challenging environment in which we are all working. If you do go in-store and want to say thank you, then I'm sure they'd appreciate it. So, if you could help us by limiting demand of essential items and allowing us to focus on the core needs of our customers – we are confident that we can continue to feed the nation. We are delivering food daily to our stores, but this is a very challenging time and we will only get through this if we work together. Thank you for your support. Dave Lewis
  20. Fantastic and how it should be........
  21. Dont you just love them. When Mum was alive she used to tell everyone she had a car and drove everywhere, she was in a Care Home had dementia and was 94.
  22. Bloody Hell - Common Sense - where have you been hiding.......
  23. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-51911065. You know me I believe everything I read. Hence my previous post.
  24. I see the BBC have extended the period for the over 75s to have a free TV licence to August - well that is big of them isnt it.
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