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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Ask Robin to share the ‘Rudder’ video on the Lads week thread - proper funny Griff
  2. Re mooring stern on using a mudweight through a full tidal range - easy- floating mudweight Griff
  3. 'B.A' led the flotilla the whole week that way we knew our speed would be accurate, so none of us went of charging ahead. Skipper of J2 - Yes that was me all week, I don't do much helming, just the awkward bits. Bro was the skipper of 'B.A' Griff
  4. Hi Broads01, the difference can be explained by two of the Jewels were towing dinghies, differing ages of engines and yes different use of heating, Griff
  5. Another great evening was had on our Dining Out Night. The staff at The Bridge Inn looked after us very well (We had the back room) they were superb as was the food as per the norm. The pre-ordered Lap Dancers however let us down and did not turn up. No surprise there then as they have failed to turn up each year to be honest. Note to self - Write to my MP about this matter. The inter boat quiz was won by 'B.A' with J-of-L II coming a close second. The 'Vicars' theme. I did have a vicars outfit that I had took with me but the lads had secretly secured a Popes outfit that I was presented with once alongside and ordered to wear on the night Today Saturday 13th 'B.A' sailed at 0630 for Stalham via Robert at Sutton Staithe for pump out and diesel. Jewels 1, 2, and 3 sailed at 0740 for Potter Heigham. By 1000 all crews were away on their way home apart from me n Bro who had to do the usual clean through on 'B.A' We eventually got home for around 1615. It was agreed by all that this has been yet another memorable successful Lads Week, No one fell in although two crew members did get wet from foot to crotch through trying to walk on water when getting onboard, they failed of course as neither of them are Yorkies. No accidents. One certain southern crew member lost his false front tooth on the first Friday night. apparently having left it in the Norada Pub. He found it yesterday evening down the side of his mattress by his pillow - Laugh did we? Gnasher who we wore false top rack of teeth for appreciated our support and has sent that photo off to his family etc who all agreed we were a great bunch of mates supporting him and that it was hilarious. Herbert Woods staff looked after us very well, especially on the Friday afternoon / early evening as we started to arrive and then again during Saturday forenoon prior to sailing, nothing was too much trouble for them, not that we gave them any trouble you understand. The three Jewels are provisionally booked for next year Diesel consumption for the week was:- 1 = 95 x Ltrs, 2 = 102 x Ltrs, 3 = 97 x Ltrs and 'B.A' = 93 x Ltrs, 'B.A' having to sail from Stalham to PH to meet up with the Jewels on the first Friday evening then back to Stalham from Acle so she covered more river miles. So when is 'B.A' crewed up once more and underway on the H20? - No idea at present although I will be onboard for a maintenance weekend next month but staying in the wet shed Griff
  6. Oh and Btw, Macie dog back to here normal self Griff
  7. Now all craft at Acle Bridge Inn. This evening is our Dining Out night. We will be dressed up as Vicars. Ridiculous photos to follow in due course Griff
  8. There was a Supermoore in front of one of our Jewels in the middle too. Everyone was happy apart from one boat that turned up to find it full Griff
  9. Well what a blow. Here I am fishing from the Well deck of this ere Jewel. Catching plenty and now have to stop as duty galley slaves have got me a mug of whisky with a splash of finest Yorkshire tea accompanied by a FCE Griff
  10. To be fair to the ranger, Bro said he was very pleasant. Just what would have done if we had decided to stay on for a while is anybody’s guess Griff
  11. Apparently a boat that arrived to find the moorings full had complained. Well in my book when one arrives to find any moorings full the only thing to do is wait or move on The Dog Inn shifted some gear around and got the dartboard available for us last night. Well done and thanks to them This morning it is cool and windy but still a bit of sunshine Griff
  12. Looking good there Mike. We use aluminium on ‘B.A’ works for us, along with a galvanic isolator Griff
  13. The auxiliary ranger asked Bro when were we leaving? I was a tad miffed when I learnt that at as it is a 24 Hr mooring and our flotilla has been there only 3 x Hrs. No matter, we sailed for Ludham Bridge where we currently are. Presently in the Dog Inn, Darts etc Griff
  14. This morning stern on at Richo’s. All crew members visited the MOB where we at last handed over our fourth savings tin. It has taken ‘B.A’s crew n guests nearly two years to fill it. The MOB will in due course let us know how much we have raised for them. Today like yesterday the wx is usually warm n mild with plenty of sunshine. Sailed from Richo’s to Neatished. Four into three will go Gtiff
  15. Wednesday, got all four craft on at Ranworth Staithe for another DTS, some crew to top of church. Sailed for Sutton Dyke and somehow berthed for overnight. Disappointing to find no dart board so contented ourselves with merriment and battleships. Griff
  16. Where was I (hic), Oh yes, erm, nope, I seem to have lost it Griff
  17. Full flotilla breakfast completed. Cleaned through, ship shape and Bristol fashion now underway in glorious sunshine bound for Malthouse Griff
  18. Made it to Stokesby. Nearly no room at the Inn to get berthed up. It was a bit of a challenge photo in t morning if I remember Griff
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