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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2018/07/blessed-moorings-and-coffee-mornings_31.html Amusing tongue in cheek stuff Griff
  2. What an absolutely stunning boat. My very favourite was Admiral 7, hired that one out many times along with 5 and 6 and the odd Supreme Commander too. We have 'Admiral 6' as a neighbour at our home berth now. Which number was yours? Griff
  3. Apparently he stated he did tie it on but obviously not properly. We have to remember Howard s favourite bend or hitch being an engineer is a 'Stokers Dhoby Hitch' Whilst he was putting a treble on his fishing rod, Walter managed to get it using the boat hook and bungy cords in less than two minutes. Talking of Walter (Huge very load Jock) at Acle bridge Inn after the crew - six of them - had completed dinner, Walt went outside to secure a table from the rest of them to join him, (apparently there were two or three to choose from) He sat down, then not two minutes later a family of four sat down on the same table with him. Walt asked what did they think they were doing as he had his family appearing any second and there were other tables free. The chap said we are sitting here and not moving. Walt leant over so face to face contact was very close, gently but sternly said 'I think you are' stood up and glared at the chap - They wisely moved. What a strange thing for them to do eh? I now await a suitable gaff by our very own Charlie I hope you will be waiting a long time, I've done some belters in t past but they are way back when, the dinghy at H.W's springs to mind but I was just 14 at the time Griff
  4. They docked Sunday at her home berth after the customary pump out / diesel visit to Sutton staithe. All to the good and had a good weekend afloat. One of Howard s crew even retrieved our s/steel mudweight complete with that 8 plait rope, Howard managed to chuck the lot overboard at the New Inn moorings at Horning, he hadn't tied the end on properly apparently - Senior moment Griff
  5. If you have used the stuff I gave to you at the meet, then it ain't aluminium paint as we used on 'B.A' it is actually 011 underwater primer that we used on the outside of 'B.A's hull after we had applied many liberal coats of 5 Star Cuprinol. Having said that there is no harm using 011 on the inside of the hull. Do you need some more for the outside of the hull? Griff
  6. Just a suggestion, but might you consider sharing MOB/safety procedures on the forum? Willdo but it'll be later on. Gotta help MrsG with the housework this morning, then a trip to Donny, then a floor to finish off tiling - then grout the lot. Then an ensuite wall tiling to start. Busy day today - No clay shooting Griff
  7. Last night at Wroxham dinner in that American diner by the Bridge Howard reported yesterday that it was so hot he was melting and would soon be a puddle That’ll be a brand new Broad then Griff
  8. So his tablet iPhone etc doesn’t work at home then? Griff
  9. Plenty of rain overnight and today up here in Gods country - good Griff
  10. The video is on FB NBB group. The helm is experienced so goodness knows how he got it wrong. There will no be some damage to the boats underwater 'Bits' and maybe the Ferry's engine / guidance rollers - No reports as of yet though Griff
  11. I have a one eyed stag (No eye dear) what you are on about Polly. And seeing as we won the war I ain't even going to use google to translate it either! Griff
  12. Falling in is easy, getting out not so. A lesson to us all, are we able and capable? We have a system onboard 'B.A' in place that works. It has been put to use for real with no issues so we know it works. When I have 'Newbies' onboard I give them a comprehensive safety brief with do's and don'ts then a fire, flood and MOB overboard briefing. I also carry out the same briefing prior to sailing with the entire crews of the Lads Week. I expect / demand all crew members to pay attention to this brief and we don't sail until it has been completed. With regards to MOB briefing it doesn't take long, it has got plenty of Yorkshire speak in it and as we have found out on more than one occasion it works. Of course it is based on experience gained from my years with in the RN just tweaked somewhat to suit the Broads environment. We have had no issue / difficulty recovering MOB's back onboard as a result, in double quick time too And just where is the OP of this thread? We the forumites have been offering plenty of advice / tips examples etc etc and not a peep out of him. An acknowledgement or even a small thankyou would not go amiss Griff
  13. No Griff don't bite, Don't go there, - He's trying to wind you up, don't give in to it. Not a jot B0ll0x to it - There never has been and never will be to the best of my knowledge owt french onboard 'B.A' Not when we have our own engineers in Birmingham marinising Kubotas and painting them red Griff
  14. Bro' Howard and his crew onboard as of last night. They sailed this morning for destination unknown at present but all is to the good onboard so I am informed Griff
  15. The six Leisure batteries have been disconnected and each one in turn load tested - They are all fine which is a relief as they were only installed in Apr 16. This means the gremlin within the system is still there. Howard crewed up Wednesday evening and is onboard till Sunday so I hope to hear more news on his electrical detective work in due course Griff
  16. Update - The new starter motor in installed and working a treat. Spinning over the Beta like a gud-un so she is once again firing up without the aid of the glow plugs as it should in this present climate. The starter motor is not very big, it is also at present the wrong colour, this will be rectified soonest Griff
  17. It has actually rained up here for the first time in ages, we had had about three sharp thunderstorms with plenty of rain each time. Not enough but at least its better than nowt. Has is cooled down the air and got rid of the mugginess? Has it hellers like Griff
  18. And slightly off tangent. After my Dad died I got many threatening letters from the TV licensing department threatening to take him to court for not having a license (Even though he was entitled to a free one) Since I inherited the property and it was empty they were going to take me to court instead. No end of explaining from me including sending the idiots a copy of the death certificate would stop them. What did stop them in the finish was me agreeing to meet them in court. At last someone with more than one brain cell at the tv department thought , hang on there is something not right here as Mr Griffin now wants to meet us in court and it stopped. It took about 9 x months though Griff
  19. I had a similar occurrence years ago, some pond life used our address for loans / goods etc that he never paid off. The issue was caused by those companies that supply marketing lists. They just took his word without checking. Took me ages and many angry phone calls / letters to sort it out. What did it in the finish was me threatening to invoice the marketing companies through the small claims court for every time I had to contact them Griff
  20. I agree. Nowt to do wi global warming, just as rare previous glorious summers were nowt to do wi it either Griff
  21. I saw him Friday morning last week and he seemed fine Griff
  22. Vaughan, I mentioned your name in a normal friendly conversation with a mate of mine - Jason Hatch. He knows you and states that you were the base manager for Hearts, main guy at Crown in France plus P&H and that you have plenty of experience. From what I read in here of your postings 'Plenty of experience' is an understatement. I have utmost respect (And yes probably a little envy if I'm really honest) for the depth of knowledge that our NBN Broads 'Historians' have to share with the rest of us. Barry B. is one such lovable character that should really write a book before the old duffer forgets it all. Yourself and Barry as our historians are a real bonus to the NBN. (Yes, of course, there are a few others too) I have had the pleasure of Barry's company on many occasions and could listen to him for hours, and have done so as I can't seem to get a word in edgeways! Wouldn't it be great if you two could remiss over a couple of pints in a riverside pub and allow the rest of us to eveasdrop? My broads memories go back to the early Sixties, even further back on looking at Mum/Dads photo's and notes but it is so much better to hear it spoken direct from the likes of you two. Just to say a small Thanks really and if the pub thing doesn't happen, being selfish then can we do it one day onboard 'B.A' ? Griff
  23. Ones Daughter/Partner are planning to bring our No2 grandson onboard 'B.A' next month. He will be less than a year old. We are all very much looking forward to having him onboard (Especially Nana MrsG). Our Nadine is a bit concerned with - Nothing - as we are all very much Broads / rivers / boat lovers with enough experience to deal with a 'Crawler' onboard. However she has mentioned the high temperatures that we have been enjoying, especially when afloat. So she has been looking into the possibility of purchasing an air cooler and bring it with her. Asked me If 'B.A's onboard elec system can run it - Yes it easily can is the answer. This model has been getting many favourable reviews from previous purchasers. We will trial it at home and see for ourselves Griff www.jmldirect.com/at-home/utensils-and-gadgets/arctic-air-portable-personal-space-air-cooler-and-humidifier
  24. Cracking OP JA. Well said and much respect. Even more respect from those of us like 'B.A' and her crew fortunate enough to be in a position to attend. Now you might think the following sentence is a bit of a joke / funny aimed your way - Well it ain't. Proper straight faced for a change:- We're not worthy. But Thanks for all you do for all of us all the same Griff (And 'B.A' and her crew)
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