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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Sailed from Hoveton at 1700-ish. Now at Coltishall Lock for the evening Griff
  2. Just learnt from a passerby it was a field on fire between Hoveton and Horning Griff
  3. Stopped at Salhouse to get Macie dog in off the beech. Whilst there I noticed in the distance towards neatished a large amount of smoke. Must have been a large fire. Now outside Kings head at Hoveton before moving on. Still proper hot Griff
  4. Well that was lucky. Got alongside the green at Horning. Malanka away as is Trixie. We are enroute to Salhouse but spied a big enough mooring so now in Staithe n Willow. It’s a tad warm. Looks like the big coat ain’t getting used again Griff
  5. Thursday, head back north. Sailed at0900 in company with Malanka. Non stop to Ranworth island. 7 x hours non stop. Against tide to GYA then flood up the Bure. Met up with Trixie near to Acle. Bbq on the island last night. We are still here in blazing sunshine yet again Griff
  6. Wednesday, I actually did some early morning fishing, first time this week and caught precisely nowt. We then moved off down to the yacht station and spent the whole day there and overnight.Jason n Sonia Hatch visited, not seen them for ages. Had evening dinner in the Lion at Bishops Bridge - recommended. Boris Dog fell in v late on, which did not phase him one jot but gave us bipeds a few anxious moments till we got him out Griff
  7. The Ribs of Beef have one of their rooms with a balcony over the river which is ideal, easy access on / off the boats. Their Chef however had been taken ill which kyboshed eating in the pub they kindly allowed outside food ordered in. Then off to the pictures to see Spitfire which was amazing. Back to Pub for drinks, nibbles from onboard then sometime later, lights out Griff
  8. Tuesday - River Song away early bound for the Northerns. By 0900 three of us + Macie dog sailed on Indy, back alongside by midday reported on the ‘Indy’ thread 1200 we sailed now back onboard Indy’s tender - ‘B.A’ Rendesvoud with Bollysnigh and Malanka at Coldham bound for Norwich. Wx again proper hot. Through yacht station and into New Mills pond, came about then moored alongside Ribs of Beef pub. No problems, no issues, no lesser spotted shopping trolleys. Depth was fine as was bridge clearance heights. We did however get close to touching bottom in the pond. Our depth display started to display information in inches below the keel rather than feet. Bollysnigh carried on downriver. Griff
  9. Understood. The lower she is the more seams will take up? ‘B.A’ still takes on river oggin after 52 years Griff
  10. By the time we eventually got into Brundall gardens it was 1500. River Somg had made her allocated mooring hours ago as had Trixie of course. It was 1600 before we made our allocated NYA berth having had a pumpout at freshwater harbour. Brooms stopped selling fuel at 1530 so the plans and day had got in front of us. Decision made, Indy day would now be Tuesday. Had a forumite visit ‘B.A’ for a look round. Enjoyed his company. MrsG and Macie dog stayed onboard as did S&S. Myself and Robin ventured into Norwich for the evening via the local train. Saw Doug’s office. By 2330 it was lights out Griff
  11. Have we fitted drain plug and filled diesel tank yet? Griff
  12. Draw pictures, better than words. An shave off one only eyebrow! Griff
  13. The Ricardo meeting. No harsh words were spoken but straight and to the point Yorkshire speak, we are good at that. We left on a handshake on good terms and that is how I’d like it to stay. Nowt else to be said really Griff
  14. We removed the bow bar during one of our Lads weeks into a removal van. I will have photos / date on the home p/c Griff
  15. Yes it was I was glad to have met him face to face and issues got ‘Sorted’ We retired late on as one does. Tuesday was programmed to be Indy day. Tuesday and up fairly early. Robin took Simon / Sonia over to Brooms to a waiting taxi for an appt they had. Trixie had/was suffering major electrical issues so over he went to NYA who had her diagnosed in what seemed no time and sorted her at last although it cost Robin the price of three ruined batteries that were only a few months old Meanwhile a dead swan appeared by our moorings in the water. This was a fully grown one too. What to do? Leave it in the river? That could have led to consequences for other wildlife. On the phone. Swan rescue advised I contact NN Council, they advised the envoirnment agency - who were as helpful and as much use as toothache. Slope shouldering, to the extreme stating it was the landowners responsibility I reminded them that it was in the river - Crown property? I asked them if they thought I Should I ring Buck house and get her staff to deal with it? The Broads Authority to the rescue. Under advice I hoiked it out, checked for damage / hooks / line - none I could see. Bagged it up. A ranger collected it after we departed Griff
  16. We called at the Beauchamp Arms for a lunchtime snifter n some cheesy chips n stuff. They have done a great job of decorating / renovating the inside. Outside is progressing too. That also now have overnight accommodation available too. Sailed for Coldham Hall. Met up with Simon n Sonia aka River Song. Coldham stop doing food at 1800 so we had Sunday dinner at 1755. Eventually retired to the lawn aft of our three craft for the evening. Came face to face with non other than Ricardo - proceeded to have a frank and open discussion
  17. We stopped at Brooms to top up her diesel tanks before tucking her up. Less taken than expected, only 340 Ltrs Griff
  18. We did the same with ‘B.A’ that is put a long hose with many holes in it with the end bunged up then turned it on for about a week prior to her journey down to Norfolk. It certainly helped Griff
  19. Came about at Commisionaires cut. Now heading down river. We are on a falling tide, low water at 1100 - ish. Lowest Depth under keel has been 1:2m Griff
  20. Indy underwent sailing up the mighty Yare. Triowse rail bridge, here we come Griff
  21. Agreed. However the Jewels during the Lads Week have fenders up each year. All three of em will do so while underway Griff
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