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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Can't find the fuel price thread - Anyroadup, Sutton Boatyard as of 22/July 18 - £1:15 per Litre using the 60/40 split. The pumpout thing - Forgot to ask as we had a 'Freebie' on our card. They are very thorough by flushing out twice before adding the blue Griff
  2. It was a late night as we were dvd watching. Oh and I fooparred in my last post, we actually went to the wetshed via Sutton Boatyard for the obligatory pump out / diesel thing Griff
  3. We sailed before midday from our wild mooring straight to the wetshed - It was slightly cooler in there and got stuck into some items and of course the obligatory major clean through. By the time we departed for home it was 1930. With a stop for Macie dog we eventually got home for 2245, - missed the Sunday night at the Harvey Arms - Sod it. So ends 10 days afloat with just mysen, MrsG and Macie dog and very good it was too. Met up with friends not seen for far too long, visited Norwich which is a must for us. Saw the Spitfire film, Took Indy out for a trip, and lots more besides. Obviously the wx was awesome (Dare we say toooo hot?) Our fish finder on a very warm afternoon recorded a water temperature of 30c at top level only dropping to 25c at 6ft below which is ridiculous. We cruised for 27 x hrs and consumed 80 x Ltrs Diesel, that averages out at less than 3 x Ltrs per hour which is very good considering we had miles n miles of southern cruising against the tide. Only had the tv on for DVD's two nights. Funniest moment? (Which I got a telling off for) - at around 0030 one morning Mrs G was stargazing from the well deck and mentioned to me that the family of swans were still in the water by our well deck - Me - Really? There's a thing eh? - I would have thought they would have checked into a local hotel by now and ordered bread n water for dinner Griff
  4. There has been 50+ craft passed us this morning. Not one has been speeding or came too close Griff
  5. Size 14 hook. A worm the size of an adult annoconda and I’m catching stickle backs Griff
  6. The environment agency rang me. They are on the ball. Much better than the dead swan department last Monday Griff
  7. If the errant floorboard has found its way into the Ant, I’ll pick it up today Griff
  8. Fishing and doing ok. This forenoon we go back to base clean through and I have some items to attend to before we depart for home Griff
  9. Couldn’t resist. I’m fishing and catching. Will just have to be careful and wash my hands Griff
  10. No swimming for Macie today. I’m not fishing either Griff
  11. You are probably up river of me then. There is loads of the stuff never seen it this bad before I have rang it into the environment agency ( who were helpful and grateful) they will notify local officers. Pointless ringing Broads control yet Griff
  12. Where are you? I’m on t Ant about half a mile up river of Jonny Crowes Staithe Griff
  13. The river is full of it this morning Griff
  14. Oh eck. I got up to do a spot of fishing to find the whole river with a film of that there Blue algae There’s loads of it coming in on a gentle flood tide Griff
  15. Sailed for t Ant. At 1700 there was 8ft 8” at the Bridge. Now wild moored on the Stbd bank somewhere between Jonny Crowes Staithe n Irstead Griff
  16. We have been out on the rivers for 9 x days now, South n North. Mixing it with all and sundry. No scrapes or bumps at all. The only helm I have witnessed to a near balls up was yours truly as per the norm Griff
  17. Wide angle on the camera I see Griff
  18. We passed through the flotilla of confusion as they normally carry on only to come up astern of a Wherry in full sail, passed them then four bends in t river caught up another one! They’re like busses today. Here we are arrived just after 1200 at the new inn JBx5 having sorted a spot for us. It’s so hot I swear the river is steaming. Had a Cromer salad for lunch. About to sail for the Ant. We were due Home today but have delayed that evolution till tomorrow Griff
  19. The river from Coltishall to Wroxham was idyllic. Plenty of large shoals n large fish in locations noted for future reference. MrsG eventually made an appearance went for a shower whilst underway. She appeared in only a towel as we exited from under Wroxham Bridge. Perfect timing for the crowds on the bridge n hotel Onwards we proceeded, with canopy, screens and everything down we could muster, full sunshine mode. The river now was proper busy so much so I elected to scoot down Wroxham Broad to only see a flotilla of sailing craft Griff
  20. Yet another cracking morning here at the Lock. Not a cloud in the sky. We actually had the tv out for a dvd last night. First time in eight days. Sailing shortly for New Inn at Horning. MrsG having a lie in so Macie dog will have to do the ropes n fenders Griff
  21. None here at Coltishall nor any at Salhouse/ Wroxham yesterday Griff
  22. Condolences to Lisa and family. Polly - please tell her if there’s owt I can do to just ask Griff
  23. Plenty of it on the surface at the Lock but normal before coming up the river. Fishing is rubbish though. Just been presented with a rum coffee and fresh cream scone. MrsG is smiling too. JBX5 - you may well come knocking, but not too late! Griff
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