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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. I wish you every success. Have you thought about tidying the boat up from the river - it looks a mess and not so inviting (Or it did if you have already done it) We will be in Norwich this summer onboard 'B.A' so we may get a chance to call in Griff
  2. That's me sorted Tickets secured to watch the forthcoming documentary 'Spitfire' showing in selected cinemas around the country for one day only on the 17th July Griff
  3. What has occurred with my gnashers is an on going thing. My dentist reckons I'm doing very well as both my Mum n Dad had lost theirs way before they got to the age I am now. So I get a tooth cracked / broke and its gets fixed regular like. Only this time an infection set in. I commenced a course of Amoxycillin which historically normally does the trick. Not this time though. Sunday evening I even missed the regular visit to the pub. Side of dish swollen, much pain despite Brufin and paracetamol. What did help was putting an action film combined with dark rum and pacing around the lounge. After visiting dentist I am now on Metronidazole until Sunday then back to dentist. First drink allowed 24 x Hrs after last tablet - and do you know what - It's a breeze. I'll volunteer to be duty driver on Sunday too. Anything is better than a gum infection / toothache Griff
  4. Seems like it is easier and most surely more enjoyable by boat Griff
  5. Heads Up. The supermarket shelves, wholesalers, pubs etc are due to be rationed as from today in the purchase of carbon dioxide gas. This as you know is used in soft fizzy drinks, Beer, Girly lager (No loss there then) etc. It was announced on Radio 2 lunchtime slot today. This means of course along with it being bbq wx plus the England football games that consumption is higher than normal added to that the country is facing a shortage. It also effects the production of meat too apparently Now as we all know, those that must generally do so whilst being afloat, in fact there are some that state it is compulsory to have the odd libation whilst afloat, me included. Therefore I suggest you stock up on your favourite beverages weather they contain alcohol or the fizzy stuff before there isn't any left Your have been duly advised I grabbed some today on my way home, Beer / Lager and fizzy stuff which is ironic, Why? - Yet again I have a dental problem and my dentist only today has put me on a course of anti-biotic tablets and yes you have guessed it - No consumption of alcohol in any form until the course of treatment is completed - Brilliant Griff
  6. We have red paint on our mud weight chain to show when its fully up and a yellow section that shows its just under the water for cleaning. Well that is just proper showing off innit? Onboard 'B.A' I have 14mm 8 plait rope, with no coloured markings, just MKI lookouts, Yorkshire grit and muscle power with someone else on the helm whilst I see to getting the silt of said rope / mudweight. Sometimes I miss a great globule of the stuff under said mudweight when I sit it down on it's stand - Joy and glee when that happens as that lot squeegees out all over the foc'sle deck (Goes off muttering to onesen at the memory of such occasions) Griff
  7. The judge might well decide, that keeping the railway open, was of more importance than holiday making boaters being delayed. I understand the thinking behind that statement, I honestly do However as I understand it, are not Judges supposed to implement the law of the land? Do judges now have the power to overturn laws set by the government in a single court sitting with clever lawyers putting arguments forward? Sympathetic or not IMHO maybe a judge would come down sympathetically on the side of the rail users but is the very same judge not bound by the said laws of the land and therefore would be duty bound to instruct network rail to get the damn bridges maintained / upgraded for the benefit of all? Just my thoughts Griff
  8. Oh yes. Got the 'GriffTile' van back today. New Turbo / seals. New oil pipes. Inlet / exhaust manifold require numerous replacement studs / nuts. Oil cooler drained and chemically cleaned, ditto for exhaust. Had some welding done to a jacking point that was starting to look suspect while they were at it too. Driving - the Turbo is emitting that characteristic whistling sound when spooling up, not heard that in an age. The motor is now pulling like a train once again. Back to work now to plug the financial gap this saga created. No word on the Tiger though, I will ring them tomorrow and check where they are up to with the estimate. Griff
  9. Of course Money no object, for the Tiger - T1 GER would be a guddun along with GR1 FF for mysen Gr1ff
  10. Well there's a surprise then - NOT, Erm I take it is as warm down on the rivers as it is up here in Gods country at the moment? Imho - Currently not operational really means - it is operational but we are concerned that if we swing the bridge open IAW legal obligation to allow craft to navigate, we might not be able to close it properly again due the the hot weather, and of course our priority is our customers not our legal obligations as we don't give a toss about them Now someone tell me I'm wrong on the above ! Griff
  11. I agree with the previous post, Norwich is indeed really a wonderful place to visit. It knocks GYA into a cocked hat by a country mile both during the day and evenings too. We have visited many times on both hire craft and 'B.A' and never had any problems whatsoever including overnight at weekends. Yes it maybe a tad more noiser, but that is more than made up for by the sights one sees late on at night, some of them comical, some eyebrow raising too. Griff
  12. TVMOM -Just the sort of thing I was after Griff
  13. Our GC Jeep has gone to a new owner and my cherished reg plate will soon be adorning the 'GriffTile' van (Once the van amended log book arrives). So, we - Well MrsG to be factual - have decided on purchasing a new Grand Cherokee Jeep (That is new to us not brand new) We are looking at the 'Summit' model around 2014 onwards. My question - does anyone here have any experience with these models, their weak points / Achilles heel etc. Thanks Griff https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201806207676071?price-from=20000&postcode=dn93jj&sort=sponsored&advertising-location=at_cars&price-to=27500&aggregatedTrim=Summit&model=GRAND CHEROKEE&onesearchad=Used&onesearchad=Nearly New&fuel-type=Diesel&make=JEEP&radius=1500&page=1
  14. Er there seems to be sommat up wi our goggle box ere at om. I have just watched England put FIVE past the opposition in the first half? Griff
  15. Yes - Happened to us whilst onboard a Jewel of Light one year in Horning. by the Ferry Pub. Discovered oursens in mid river when one of the crew got up about 0300. He simply lowered the mudweight over stern end and we then sorted oursens out in the morning. No harm done and not scary either as all asleep bar one and he went back to bed. Griff
  16. I shoot regularly clays at a neighbouring village 'Wroot' We organise ourselves for special days out at various shooting venues throughout the year. Friday was at Grimethorpe estate near to Bourne an 'Omex' clay shoot. We are planning to visit the Mid Norfolk shooting ground at Taverham off the A1270 sometime this year. Game shooting October to Feb locally near home Griff
  17. Dark cloud seems to have been driven off by the Sun. Clay shooting on Friday went well. Van is now running with new turbo / pipe fitted but not back with me till Monday as there is still some residue oil left in the aft part of the exhaust system that they want to clean out, then my wallet will no doubt get a clean out too. Tiger - I am informed that by Monday I should have a list of parts / labour / time estimate to rectify - Which the guy that dropped it will be paying for of course. Jeep now with new owner, just gotta transfer reg number over to van. Me and MrsG went looking at a Discovery 4 HSE and Jeep Grand Cherokee 'Summit' yesterday. She prefers the Jeep to the Discovery and seeing as she will be driving it more than I, it looks likely we will be purchasing a suitable example in the coming months. Right what's happening today - Tiling en-suite and bathroom floors, watching England beat Panama. Griff
  18. Certainly a memorable year for me and I do remember it well. It was my last year of full time school, I left in the late May at 15 years very young. I was working too, morning and evening paper rounds, Clay pigeon shooting centre all day Sat/Sun and Thursday evenings. A cobbled together scrambler for use in our local quarry area, flying / sailing radio control models. I was loaded and happy (Had not got distracted by girls then). Me and my mates were constantly out of the house being as busy as we could be cramming every day to the full. Come late September (Now just turned sixteen) the family and friends were afloat on a couple of Broom Admirals. This was my sixteenth consecutive Broads holiday since 1960 and my last one before catching a train in October down to Plymouth where the main gates of HMS Raleigh greeted my naive eyes. The rest as they say is history Griff
  19. Griff would probably know what Jewel's air draft is, From memory - which is of course highly dubious nowadays - we accurately measured two of the Jewels for self pilotage through Wroxham bridge. They are 7ft or 7ft 2" making Wroxham and the like a breeze - PHB ? - Not likely unless the Ba adopt the former GYA Port Commissioners ethos and re-commence dredging the lower Bure Griff
  20. Wtere are the sails? Used in many clean up operations - they are normally referred to as rags! Griff
  21. They are ideal for our Annual Lads week. Bags of room and offer the capability of accommodating six Lads without using the communal saloon bunks and all in separate bunks. Dog friendly too. Plus the huge well deck area ideal for fishing gear and the like. Yes they are not what one would call 5 star but we don't need 5 star. Getting under PHB - Realistically - Not a prayer nowadays but they will pass under Wroxham and Beccles old bridge quite happily. They will answer to the helm going astern quite happily too and are a breeze to handle. Towing a dinghy will increase the stern wave but otherwise they produce little wash at normal cruising speeds. Tip If stowing items on the fwd and aft coach house roofs - i.e Fishing rods and the like use bungy straps as the hand rails are inset and won't stop gear rolling off. Being shaft drive they are quiet and economical for their size. We winter cruise with these craft and manage quite happily although the quarter berth aft is the coldest onboard (The one I usually end up in). Turning in close quarters is also do-able we have taken them up to the head of navigation at Geldeston village, the Locks, Wayford, Coltishall locks, Neatishead too. Reversed them all the way back down the dyke from Geldestone village, the same at Thurne Dyke with no issues. Spent nights on the mudweights. We always get a second mudweight from H.W's to hold them steady for fishing. Side dyke at Ranworth staithe is do-able too. Flat out over Breydon no matter how rough - they will handle that too.. Large saloon area is good for entertaining guests. What's not to like? Griff
  22. Correct. I may know of some more brand new in wrapping, not sure if they are the fronts and backs though Griff
  23. Enjoy. We have all three Jewels booked along with ‘B.A’ for our annual Lads Week in October Griff
  24. That's three days plain sailing now so thing might be back on an even keel. Van should be back with me tomorrow at the latest all being well, no idea of the cost though Tiger is in the vets - just waiting on word re the cost and timescale on that one too. Getting collected in half an hour or so for a days (FREE) Clay shooting so a day off from the tiles. It's a cracking start to the day up here in God Country. In an ideal word I would be riding the Tiger down to the boat anytime soon. Have a good one Y'all Griff
  25. Haven bridge getting stuck and inconveniencing road traffic could well be the best thing that could have happened. I suspect Peel ports will be inundated from not just drivers, but pedestrians, bushinesses and the like, councillors will feel the heat too there will be a large number with volume at Peel Ports door. Far more grief coming their way than if the odd boat is inconvenienced. It just might result in some serious maintenance being carried out on the bridge as a result. Then again Peel might be that nervous of ever opening it again ever! Griff
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