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Everything posted by Antares_9

  1. If approached in accordance with pilot book and any local download for changes in procedure there’s no reason why not, it’s a straight run until inside and a quick kick over to stbd. Probably easier than the Ore or Deben. It’s always worth remembering that the Pilot books are usually written by and for Yachtsmen, so when they talk about stemming fast flows and difficulties that may cause, they are usually talking about a vessel with an auxiliary that wouldn’t pull a hen off it’s nest not a power cruiser. :-D
  2. I think my opinion of racing is fairly well known but I will repeat it, I do not refer to river cruising races which are an entirely different matter but dingy (or tenders as I prefer to call them) whizzing around in a small area should be confined to broads or at least to broad reaches with an area buoyed for passing navigation. The rivers are a navigation not a race track. And as for so called rescue boats, it seems to me at times that it’s just an excuse to hare about in a dory, give a saily a throttle and they go mad. :-D General cruising sailors are the same as the rest of us, out to enjoy the water, mostly considerate with a small number less so, but introduce an element of competition and all sense of decent behaviour seems to go out of the window in the clamour to show they are better than the rest, there is after all no other reason for competing, otherwise you could just time trial yourself. All the above notwithstanding, I have noticed a remarkable improvement in one of the most difficult areas, namely the approach to Beccles, the safety boat politely asked us to maintain a steady speed as close as practical to the bank and they would work round us, they did, and with no little skill either so I guess it’s not all bad. It can also be argued that a large cruiser giving as much room as possible by hugging the bank is in fact a vessel restricted in it’s ability to manoeuvre (there is only one way it can go from there) and therefore the stand on vessel even to a vessel under sail.
  3. You may find difficulty getting coated stuff Simon, but the ordinary (if it can be called that) stuff serves just as well and in fact looks better IMHO and is easy to keep clean, you are probably right about the price though.
  4. Rag & Stick boat shop Simon, they are just rigging wires, they will make them up to match for you and then it's just a case of hook them on and tighten the bottle screws to tension them.
  5. Agreed, politics affects everything we do and we all need to remember it, but not blather on about it every time we open our mouths, if you want to discuss party politics then discuss them by all means, preferably on pinkocommybedwetters dot com, fascists’r’us dot net or some such.
  6. Just got back from holiday and thought I'd have a look what the BA and EA had been up to on the BROADS RELATED politics section, but it seems to have been taken over with discussions on party politics, something I always understood was without the T & Cs of this site.
  7. Not sure the cost of diesel should be seen as such a big issue when taken against overall boating costs for the quantity used by most broads boaters. Just ask yourself how much you use each year.
  8. Please Jonny, humour me, don't use a consumer unit without residual current protection, I do not wish to appear melodramatic but I'm a bit busy to be attending funerals at the moment.
  9. They range from £220 for the 10a to just shy of £400 for the 40a Jonny, not cheap but not a lot more than a quality charger of the same rating, and as Keith has intimated, they are a sure safe route for the DIYer starting from scratch, they really are fit and forget.
  10. Here's a link to the All in One 240v distribution combined battery charger Jonny, it's available in 10, 20, 30 & 40amp charging power and also allows one take off for an immersion element and one for ring main. http://www.reya.com/English/Catalogue/batterychargers.pdf
  11. Hi Jonny, if you're starting from scratch it is simpler to get an all in one marine unit, battery charger and 240v distribution all in one unit, saves time and needs a lot less seting up.
  12. Bugger! I've got another day to go, 30 degrees here in Bond street now, and what's the forecast for when I go to the ship? no prizes, wee weeing it down
  13. Not really happy about giving specific marks on a public forum, but, Pike are where you find them as they say, all the usual suspects, confluences, weed beds, if you have a fishfinder on board look for unusual underwater features and gradients, holes and the like in a broad as they can produce well.
  14. St. Olaves? if so I cant see the difference from today, at least in the provisions building :-D :-D
  15. That's wiped the glaze off the bores, bet there was no wiping the smile off your face though :-D :-D
  16. Here's to many more Simon, :-D :-D :-D , it's what she was born to so a treat every now and again is only fair :-D :-D
  17. Just one of the many reasons I like the place Steve, I went over to do a piece on the "turning of the first sod" for the then yet to be built new Zebrugge fish market and never really got it finished (the piece that is), it was a legendary weekend and my "sampling" exploits even made it to the local papers.
  18. Dick could probably give you a better answer on that one Steve, but hopefuly, yes to Belgium.
  19. No need if Mutford do it for you, book the lift that is, but I've never had VIP treatment like that, probably being gentle with you Simon, as it was your first time or mayhap it's a new super dooper service.
  20. Just give Lowestoft a shout and ask for permission to use the 09:45 lift when you leave the lock Simon as you are required to give at least 20 minutes notice. On leaving the lock holding pontoon to clear the rail bridge then state your position ask for pemission to make your way down Lothing to the bridge. Also inform them it is your intention to enter RNSYC or proceed directly to sea. The 09:20 swing should time it just nicely for the 09:45 lift. :-D
  21. Sorry for the tread drift Alan, We're off to do the Walton backwaters Rod, Tichmarsh, Shotley, Levington, Ipswich, also Woodbridge, maybe a bit further down to Brightlingsea and if all goes well and there is a window we all like the look of then over to Neiwport for some Mules & Frit, if not then possibly even try for St Kat's, it's all fluid :-D As ever the whole thing is governed by the weather so maybe none of it
  22. Have a great time Rod, looks like wee'll miss you again as wee're off to play in the space you leave :-D
  23. Good thing Perry, shame it thinks the word ends just north of Harwich though, bloody typical
  24. Depends on the invereter, some kick out when they sense shorepower connected, check the manual or ask the manufacturer. Even if not, then it is possible to wire an inline isolator on the AC side but you will have to be certain it is switched before pluging in the shorepower. If in doubt when working with mains voltage then have a qualified marine electrician either install or at least check it out after you have installed it. Use only multi strand cable (none of this solid core stuff) in any new circuit.
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