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Everything posted by mbird

  1. I thought yours was Col. Are you telling me you polish all that yourself???
  2. You're right, Rictic. It is a bit silly having it on Mothers Day, a fact I only just realised yesterday. Oh, well, that's another year I won't be going to the jumble, as we have already booked a table for my dear Mumsie at a restaurant!
  3. It should be fine, yes, but I think that largely depends on the size of charger you have. I have a bank of two batteries, and the charger is connected to one of them, so yes it will work fine, as that is how most boats do it. If you only have a very low capacity charger, though, I think it may struggle a bit. From memory I think mine is a 30 amp dual bank charger, which feeds 1x 85Ah battery on the port bank and 2x85Ah on the starboard bank. My old boat had 3x110Ah batteries on the domestic side which were charged as one bank from a charger with higher capacity, but I can't remember what it was!
  4. I think Brian Wards at Brundall was mentioned on the other thread John, but obviously not at the reduced price.
  5. That's fine Ian, but the article states they were discussing witholding tolls, not appealing after they'd paid them. Two totally different things, and can you honestly see any court telling the BA to give money back? They would counter-appeal and waste a heap more of our cash.
  6. But what is the point of discussing this next month when tolls have to be paid this month? Strikes me as a nothing press release to make it look like they actually give a damn. This should have been discussed in January if it was to have any teeth!
  7. Thanks Barry, I was wondering when it was this year!
  8. If you were to turn off your battery, none of your lights etc would work, unless being fed separately by a battery charger with 12V supply facility.
  9. Glad you like the stuff Strowy. I don't know if you are aware, but when they sell the spray bottles, the cleaner inside is a weaker solution than the 5 litre concentrate you have bought. I think the normal dilution ratio is about 60/40 EVW/water. That means you can get about 16-18 500ml spray bottles worth out of one 5l container, which makes it more economical.
  10. Well done Annie, and good luck!! Donation made xxx
  11. Hi Jonny There is another thread about this viewtopic.php?f=68&t=10219 , but I am a recent convert to an environmentally friendly cleaner called EVM. I only tried it through recommendation, not because it's kind to wildlife, but because I heard it's good. Now I have tried it, there's no point using anything else imho! It's also really good at cleaning lots of other stuff too, not just the outside! I had tried lots of other stuff like Starbrite and Fenwicks, but will use this from now on.
  12. mbird


    Good to hear that Barry! Ours is due in July, so that should be interesting.......!
  13. Hi Julz I was also a caravanner for nearly 20 years before moving to boats, and I used to swear by the Fenwicks stuff. I have to say though, that the EVM knock spots off the Fenwicks! I also have the Fenwicks marine cleaner and again, it's no contest with the EVM winning hands down.
  14. Hi All I know several forumites already use this stuff, but I had my first experience with EVM boat cleaner a couple of days ago. It's a citrus based environmentally friendly cleaner, but actually seems to work. Last year I messed about with oxalic acid and the like, but this year used EVM after a recommendation. I was really impressed with the way it got rid of dirt and the dreaded black streaking and also some rubbing strake marks with minimal elbow grease. Below is a piccy from my phone of an area half done... I believe it's available off the shelf at Brian Wards in Brundall, but also from their website at http://shop.cormoranttrading.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=76_78&zenid=560040b2361f36dac7658e8d0749e3b0. Needless to say, I'm now a convert to it!
  15. That is sad, Howard. Bit of a sign of the times I guess for the slightly more expensive "bistro" type restaurants. Places like the Saddlery and the Hermitage in Acle must find it even harder that the normal pubs I would think? Especially with the rise in good quality pubs like the Horning Ferry now seems to be.
  16. I know, I know..... but I was only 250mm out! At least Brian Wards are taking them back and ordering me replacements, even though they were a special order for me!
  17. Hi All Anyone who's ever tried to route a new gear or throttle cable will know it can be a potential pain in the derrier to pull a new one through. As I had to replace both gear cables on Serenity, I cam up with an idea for a little threaded adaptor to screw the new cable to the old one, and so simply pull the new one through as I was withdrawing the old. My brother just happens to be an expert toolmake soon knocked up said widget and it worked a treat. If only I had ordered the right length cables it would have been perfect!
  18. Sorry, I meant SC5614 but my flipping keyboard is playing up....! (any mods around? could be very helpful and ament the thread title for me pretty please???) sorted
  19. Just incase anyone is interested, the new revision of this folio is due for reprint on 14/4/11. I think that may be a bit late for anyone needing it for Easter though!
  20. That was kinder that I expected!!! Tweacle, yor a proper diamond geezer ! Although I used to sail from Mersea Island and occassionaly from Brightlingsea, the only bits of the Blackwater I know (i.e. Maldon on Mud), I wouldn't take my boat to!
  21. Count us in Mark - Serenity - alias TBA by others (be kind, please!)
  22. mbird

    Any Excuse

    Nowhere in those guides though, Trev, does it mention boats passing at speed. Any hirer seeing a glitzy planing boat driven by an owner with lust for speed and power would not understand that being passed at speed if far more comfortable than being passed with the boat producing a hump wash.
  23. mbird

    Any Excuse

    Not sure it would be practical Ian. The poor hirers have so much to take in (especially the novices) during their trial runs that even the information they do get can be an overload.
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