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Ocean 30 Pulpit Rail Wanted


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Hi BB7

I doubt that you will find one as all the hired Ocean 30s had theirs removed. Ours has never been  hired so still had them but the stanchion rails had been removed.  We tried in vein to obtain some. In the end  we got Marine Weld of North Walsham to extend the pulpit rails . They will make you some more stanchions but they won't be cheap. I think to extend the front rails to the position of the first stanchion and to replace the roof  handrails was in excess of  thousand pounds so to do the whole set of rails would probably be about three. He does a good job though. Good luck.

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I have to say, think very carefully before putting a pulpit on your boat. Yes they look good but are they REALLY practical? I would suggest not. Rarely are they at a height or in the appropriate position so as making them useful to lean on. People usually mount them too far forwards and too low to use. As a piece of decorative metalwork, they look sleek and add style to the craft... but only if mounted low and forwards. HOWEVER... your mooring rope will always be going over it when you want it under and viceversa. It will stop you from stepping ashore from the bow and will always catch branches and such-like whenever it can. I've owned boats with and without and I know which I prefer.

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You are absolutely correct. Extending ours was not such a good idea as you say the rope is either over or under. It looks smart but not that practical. As for the stanchions the decks are not that wide so with them on it would be very difficult to moor . Marine Weld advised us not to replace them for that very reason. which actually did him out of work . As newcomers to boat ownership we were thankful for his advice. Our rails also also make the boat too high to get under Wroxham bridge.

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