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So I don't go contaminating a thread further with talk of video gear...here's the rig for outdoors and some funky shots.

First off here's Arbi operating the jib which allows us to pan, sweep and swoop through areas maintaining the camera in the same attitude throughout the shot. Nikon D3300 with Sigma 10-20mm f3.5 EX DC HSM Lens with APS-C Sensors mounted on the jib and connected to an independent monitor/recorder.


Next up we have the shoulder mount again with the D3300 this time with a Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G Lens. I have a tendency to roll down hills, fall in holes, drop off walls etc while looking for archaeology. As Iain surmised I think I'm going all Indiana Jones while Arbi thinks I'm a daft old sod liable to kill himself on camera and he doesn't want to miss the event. So the shoulder mount keeps the camera shake to a minimum through Arbi's laughter while he follows the actionDSC_0290.JPGDSC_0293.JPG.

It also acts as a chassis to mount things like microphones, monitors, focus puller and the matte box.

We also use a glide dolly rail system to get glide shots.


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1 minute ago, BroadScot said:

Listen "Harrison" sorry Indiana, nope, try Timbo, I do hope you pay that poor cameraman well ! :naughty:


p.s.When are you digging up Yare House?:naughty:

Preliminary geophys reports indicate a soulless vacuum present, although we surmise this is a result of vast quantities of paper stuffed under carpets into walls. Some archaeologists believe this to be evidence of red tape from BA planning meetings, personally I think it's all of those objections to the National Park rebranding scheme.

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  • 6 months later...

I've just made a discovery while writing a script and recording it that has astounded me! It appears I think and write in a sort of clipped Oxbridge English accent. Yet when I speak its in a Yorkshire/Lincolnshire drawl with more than a hint of stroke.

It's like, it's like... waking up and finding out you're adopted! :shocked

You guys could have told me I'm 'Northern'!:facepalm:

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