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Blakeney Web Cam


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I am sure I am not alone when I look at the BBC's Blakeney Web cam.    The other day every time I looked at it the tide seemed to be out , then when the old brain cells kicked in I realised it had frozen in time, so I initially emailed the email address given.   Every email came back, so in the end I complained to the BBC.   This was the reply.

"Thank you for getting in touch about the Blakeney webcam on our site.  We don't operate this particular webcam so have no control over it but are sorry if its erratic behaviour is causing you problems.We have a number of pages hosting webcams like this one and are currently reviewing which are still functioning and which should be mothballed.As for the email address, it is no longer one that we use, and we'll ask our technical team to remove it from the page.Thank you again for raising this issue.Best wishes,BBC News websitehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/handle-complaint/"

So it looks as if this web site may be going as well as many others.    Talk about progress!!    Do you think the BBC knows the meaning of the word.

I did reply to this email and told them the email address was still showing, to which they replied, they had only asked the technical team to remove it and if they dont well there was nothing they could do about it.     An uptodate email address should be shown.  I can see Norfolk being mothballed.

Have you ever had than sinking feeling.















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I think the issues go back to the days when we all thought Web Cams were going to be able to offer real interest into areas and businesses.  In the 1990’s it was pretty cool to see an image - updated every few seconds – of some faraway place, or perhaps just someone’s bird table in their garden.

Over time things got better and enterprising people came up with ideas of how having a webcam attached to your business may draw people into use your business but not only did that model seem to fall flat on its face, anytime the Web Cam would stop working people would contact the business either letting them know it had stopped working or asking when it would be fixed – but not at the till after paying for something, but on the phone or by email from hundreds of miles away.

Once the cameras themselves were cheap and simple – but like everything things have moved on at a pace – high definition, pan zoom and tilt would all be preferred – and with that comes a higher cost, and more data being utilised – in short it costs, creates issues and provides very little back in return.

I remember when the Barnes Brinkcraft webcam was hosted on You Tube – suddenly you had a true insight into the number of viewers – but it was not in the hundreds.  It’s nice to have and ‘be there’ when you cannot be physically not to mention the voyeur aspect of seeing what is going on.  

Servers can ‘fall over’ cameras can go on the blink, data needs to be paid for – it is just a lot of effort and why increasingly – globally – Web Cams are becoming less and less popular and it’s not just for us to look at, but as a communication tool they have had their day too where more people use tablets and smart phones and can ‘Face Time’ someone or stream live to Facebook from their device it makes sitting in front of a camera at a desk seem archaic.

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