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Tim's in-depth offering, and subsequent need for a nail brush, does show that we are not afraid to plumb the depths of lavatorial humour.

Back to Izal, as kids we used to chew it as, unlike newsprint, it didn't chew away to nothing. If we got the timing right it made excellent 'ammo' for the catapults that we made with elastic bands looped over thumb & first finger. Very accurate and by heck they could sting! Easily hidden if our teacher became aware of a 'catty' battle in the back row of his class.

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22 hours ago, Arthur said:

The media just love to stir up the public with these stories of impending shortages.

Back in the 1970's we had a period where sugar and bread were in limited supply for various reasons.

Shops were rationing or only selling to regular customers.

Then somewhere in the media there came the story that there would be  a shortage of toilet rolls.

Within 24 hours there was hardly a bog roll to be found.


I well remember the sugar  shortage in 1974/ 75 I was running a small building company and  no sugar with their tea  was not an option to be considered by our small workforce. Tea just the way they liked it was like oil to a temperamental machine. Fortunately, I used to habitually shop at a  supermarket where   I had got to know the manager. Who ,even when it got so short that  staff couldn't have it either, used to meet me in the car park with a bag of or sugar every week.. I never forgot his kindness it made life much  easier for me. The irony was I never took sugar in drinks myself,  nor do I have a remotely sweet tooth



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Hi Carol,

During the sugar shortage I was working sub contract at Thomas Ward's in Sheffield, so about two weeks of no sugar available in their canteen cured me of having two spoons of sugar in all hot drinks, I have not had sugar since, I can no longer drink anything with any form of sweetener in it.




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