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Brace Yourselves!


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Brace yourselves...Ellie announced this evening that I will be performing, in public, at a charity gig on the 6th of December this year. Apparently, the eldest lad and I got 'volunteered'. So not having played any instrument properly since 2002...I've got less than a month to remember how to play and make my left hand work well enough and knock two 45 minute sets together. She don't want much do she?

Dug my guitar out from under the bed and discovered an unsmoked B&H cigarette still attached to the strings on the headstock. Ah! Those were the days when you could get a smoke in after each number and I could afford to smoke tailor-made!

Now then...where's that Stooges songbook?

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Good luck.

Many, many years ago I played bass in a punk band, but really bad tennis elbow put paid to that, although I do occasionally strum a guitar.

If you are having trouble, you might want to investigate open tunings like a lot of the old blues guys (and Keith Richards) used. I've got a 3-string cigar-box guitar that's normally tuned DGD, and I usually play with a bottleneck. It can (when better musicians than me are playing it) sound pretty good, especially with just a bit of overdrive.

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