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Countryfile 10/02/2019


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My counsel would be just because they’ve stopped talking about it doesn’t mean they’ve abandoned wanting it. They are slaves and willing ones at that to EU environmental dictats without scientific foundation, study or basis in fact.  They are hoofing it as they go along and it will end in disaster sooner or later. Maybe ask those in Somerset. 

Don't forget the same morons responsible for the CFP, CAP et al are responsible for this too. Or maybe they got it right? I wonder what history will say? A thousand year old ecosystem artificial though it may be wrecked by a quango driven by slavish adherence to nonesense issued as a commission instruction ( which means we have no choice and no SI is required for its immediate implementation) by Eurocrats from Latvia, Estonia and god knows where, who wouldn’t know Norfolk from smorfolk.

Instructions follow similar numbering system eg 75/319 than directives. They are NOT the same. 


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Floods due to culverts being overloaded due to not being permitted to be cleared. Then rivers doing same the levels flooded for thousands of years then managed drainage ( hint hint) was stopped by the rivers authority at the behest of natural England due to commission decisions about dredging rivers and subsequent spoilage removal. Owen Patterson was one of the few who understood this so they fired him, I suspect Lord Deben has an influence there.


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19 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

I believed that it was Natural England who insisted that the coastline erosion was to be allowed to continue unchecked. was I incorrect in that belief?

If I was correct, has Natural England changed it's mind or has it been overruled?

My question still stands, but with the rider that if either is true, they are not fit for purpose. I agree with Martin (Malanka) 

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