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Has The World Gone Mad.

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Christianity is one of the newest religions at something a little less than 2000 years old, yet the number of divisions within that religion are many and varied. More to the point the number of translations are many, each advocating peace and forgiveness to one extent or another. It is reasonable to suggest that the older the religion the greater the number of sects within that creed.

It will be inevitable that some translations will  be at odds with others, but these interpretations are human based, some, if not most carrying the agenda of the translators.

In the distant past, religion was used by some to keep the population subservient to it's masters (some will say that all religion is thus based, but that is not my opinion) This goes some way in explaining the high rank of the religious leaders at that time.

It will be from those translations that the "Death to infidels" concept arises, and such writings are taken and exaggerated by those who do and wish evil. these people are the people who brainwash and groom poor misguided souls to commit horrendous acts now referred to as terrorism.

If you take the basic religions, be it Muslim Christian, Jewish, Buddhist etc. etc. you will not find one that proposes violence, even in some cases ones own defence would be discouraged if it meant harming the attacker.

Yes, you will find passages in any religious writings that might be taken to mean "Kill the infidels" but it needs to be held in mind that these writings are ancient, have been translated many times and conceivably intentionally misquoted.

The ToS of this site quite rightly, does not permit religious debate, but I hope I have put a balanced  point about religions rather than about any religion in particular.   I shall say no more on the subject lest I wander into banned territory.

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May I point out in the Koran (Islam is roughly 500 years younger that Christianity)  it actually says that Christians and Jews should be allowed to find God in their own way as they are sister religions. So that would in their terminology (infidel) make Jews and Christians not Infidels..

Sadly many confuse teritorial disputes , Israel, Kashmir etc with religion..

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The word doesn’t seem to be the issue with some it is the interpretation of the word ( parable). Please inform DAESH, that Jews and Christians are sister religions. Maybe start influencing parents and children at the local mosque talk to them when they gather for Friday prayers.

I find 1:1 I have never ever found an extremist follower of Mohammed ( I have met Christian extremists in the us quite frequently and they are frightening people)

yet when in groups perceived slights become slogans and soon they are extremists of all stripes marching down the street. I just despair.



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