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Hmp Belmarsh.

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I spent nearly 14 years in Belmarsh. I had keys to get out mind.

I was a member  of the BOV later to become  the IMB.I was appointed  by the Home office.As someone working in the community  showing a interest in the building of the Prison, the then Chief executive of Thamesmead Town put me forward to be a member of the Board of Vistors.I attended  a meeting  with the Governor of the prison. I remember he asked if I knew much about  prison. No was the answer. He said that not uncommon ,most people  only thought no porridge on tv.He took me round the prison  which was at that time fully stuffed,without  prisoners.Pleased to sai I was appointed. Belmarsh  is a local cat A prison the first to be built in London in the 20 century. People landing up inside range for any males from shop lifters to terrorists, murders,mostly on remand .Most of which if sentence would then transfer to other prisons.often high profile  cases ,terrorists, drug gang members ,would be in Belmarsh. Being a local prison,inmates would got courts in central London,sometimes Woolwich  crown court.Our role was to have a board meeting once a month  with the Governor and he's staff,taking applications from inmates,dealing with there inquiry's and or complaint, taking to staff.If there was any trouble in the prison we would go in to observe and report. We also compiled a Annual report to the Home secretary. We also carried  out weekly visits covering the whole prison,meaning 52 weeks a year.Belmarsh being a large prison almost 1000 inmates there was 21 members. I enjoyed my time in the prison.I started  out as a member,then membership sec, Vice Chair then Chairman.Very interesting ,often meeting all sorts from small time criminals, murderer's  and terrorists. I only felt nervous once.I was with one of the Governors, when we went to meet a very dangerous terrorist. When we got to he's cell the Governor took he's glasses off.I thought  this may not end well.The Governors taked the inmate down so ended fine.I left Belmarsh in 2005,as Chairman I would spend alot of my time in the prison, I was also a director of Thamead Town,plus working for a living, I started to reduce my voluntary work.That said very worthwhile interesting part of my life.

A   glass and stand ,I and anyone  that had worked or involved  in the prison for the first ten years.Something  I'm very proud of. My name badges and my whistle. Also good to poke the bad guy in the eye if no other choice. 

If anyone interested in more info give me a pm


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When I first became  a member  the Governor didn't  agree with giving us keys ,Governor s that took he's place did.We had access  to all parts of the prison, We always  reported in to officers when on the wing,asking  questions regarding  all sorts  of things,then just go where we wanted to.Dont think we were involved  in Broadmoor.Oddly we had one female inmate in Belmarsh once.A senior member of the IRA on route to I think the Old Bailey.If I remember for one night. Single cell in a area of the prison on her own.

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My ex brother in law has been at Belmarsh for quite a few years, again as staff and not a resident !!  Not sure exactly what he does, he's not a prison officer but I think he works with the younger residents in some capacity.

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I remember being seconded to a company who's office was in Woosehill, part of Wokingham. I think it was on a Monday the sirens at Broadmoor would be tested to warn the residents of Crowthorne and surrounding villages of an escape.

54 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

I`ve worked in the old Broadmoor a few times, didn`t have my own keys but did have my own personal bodyguard. He went everywhere I went, yes even there! :default_biggrin: 

Now in Norfolk the flood sirens are gone, as I believe are Broadmoor's, but Bacton Terminal still tests their sirens every Monday.

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1 minute ago, ChrisB said:

I remember being seconded to a company who's office was in Woosehill, part of Wokingham. I think it was on a Monday the sirens at Broadmoor would be tested to warn the residents of Crowthorne and surrounding villages of an escape.

Now in Norfolk the flood sirens are gone, as I believe Broadmoor's are but Bacton Terminal still tests their sirens every Monday.

Woosehill, on the border of Bracknell an area I know well Chris and yes the Broadmoor alarm continued at 10am every Monday until the new place was built. Always struck me as daft having two and a half thousand acres of woodland just a few hundred feet away.

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1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Belmarsh  or the Young  offenders prison? That was not there in my time Belmarsh  21 years plus.

Not entirely sure, definitely Belmarsh though.  When I say young they were late teens, early 20's he was working with - young to me anyway !!

Don't see or hear from him much but I'll be seeing him later this year for a memorial service.

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I've been in Belmarsh!   :default_icon_e_surprised:

Fortunately it was only day visits as I worked for an aggregate and concrete supplier who delivered to the main builder!  :default_biggrin:

Can't remember now who built it, Taylor Woodrow? maybe Balfour Beatty!

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I should  know but can't remember who  did the Building  work,about a year after it opened, builders came in to do cable  work.Sadly one of the workman cut he's arm badly.The air ambulance was called up.Prisions have a restricted air space around  them.Interesting  Belmarsh  is close to London city airport. They fly close but not over there airspace.Officers locked up inmates and directed the helicopter to land in the playing field. As you can imagine the helicopter came into land,lots of noise. Providing prisoners with light entertainment from there cells.The deputy Governor wasn't told the air ambulance called up.Think it frightened the life out of him.Chap taken to hospital, treated and was okay.About a month later another accident happened, this time every one informed. For some time after the chopper came , in we would pull the deputy governors leg.

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