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New Owner, New Dreams.


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Hi and Hello.

Not a new member but I keep forgetting my log in details so I keep re registering. Age don't you know!

So edited highlights. Stumble upon the Broads in the nineties, Holidayed hard for the next ten years spending ever increasing amounts and then decided to invest in a blue water sail boat.

Said hello to the east coast mud and tides and enjoyed myself.

Present day and I'm surfing the internet looking up old boatyards and stumble across Richardson's for sale page and an old flattie catches my eye, Bermuda 34.

Its one of the first boats I ever did hire and now I'm alight.

Checking with she who must be obeyed and with loans can only make nearly the asking price. We put in a cheeky offer.

No deal.

Deciding to sell the rag and stick we get an almost instant offer that pushes us to asking price. Back on the phone we offer and also ask about any spaces at Stalham to keep her?

Yes to both.

So waiting for Wednesday for a look see but unless she's a submarine, I’m having her.

Long drive from Kent but what lengths your dream?


Right, I’m off to plan a 240volt circuit.

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Good luck.  I hope it meets your expectations.  It’s a year to the day (although not the date) since we collected Norfolk Lady from NYA, Horning.  There have been some ups and downs, which I plan to detail when I get time, but my only regret is that we didn’t get into ownership earlier.  

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Thanks all. I tell you what is underappreciated, The ability to go a few miles and stop. Nothing like a 12 hour cruise just to get to the next port and at least crossing the south side holds no perils compared to cross the Thames estuary.

So i guess im investing in forum stuff and moaning about the tolls in my near future.

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