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Swt Carlton Marsh Reserve.


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You have to be aware though, that only a limited number care a great deal! Most locals know its not but until there is evidence that National Parks policies, or the bits that would harm the status quo are being applied, most will just live with it. Its a marketing ploy and thats all it is for the time being!

However it remains under scrutiny and I am sure that until the BA do really overstep the mark, most will allow it to drift!

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18 hours ago, marshman said:

perhaps worse than that, I question from what I know, the skill set to do anything really significant, has now largely gone. Sadly!!

They seem to have the skills at Herringfleet, or at least claim to. Not only to restore it but to teach the skills to apprentices and if we are to believe what we heard on Countryfile the other night then there are plenty of people eager to learn those skills. 

Not all mills will be saved, not all mills can be saved. It was a part of the natural progression of broadland that these structures appeared in a man made and maintained environment and it is part of that same progression that now obsolete they will slowly disappear. I always smile, inwardly at least that a person will sit and tell me that the broads are not a time capsule but a living evolving landscape, then in the next breath bemoan the loss of this particular land mark or that, often a mill, a boat shed etc. You cannot have it both ways. 

As with all things the skill and importance is identifying what is genuinely important, what should be saved for the generations to come and what should be allowed to slide into history. 

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I'm also a believer in the drift and scrutiny idea MM, but people do need to be aware that the NP "Sword of Damacles"  may well eventually fall over Broads boaters in the form of Sanford or of wholescale closures for nature conservation,. Let us hope that when that realisation dawns on the masses that it is not too late.

Other posters above ( Cheesey 6, vanesan amongst others) have eluded to the insidious relegation of boating interests occuring nowadays.


Drama,  Doom and Gloom - maybe.  You heard it here first.

(Actually you didn't - you heard it long before from others.)

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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, well almost twenty years ago in "another place" I posted a photo of Potter Heigham Bridge. I had, in my own haphazard way photo shopped it with a barrier across the span and a notice, "Navigation Closed, By Order, Broads Authority & RSPB.

The post was in response to two threads running at that time, one debating the disturbing rise in the influence of the RSPB and other organisations and the second the declared intention of the BA to seek authority to close any part of the navigation as and when it saw fit. 

Without exception my post drew derision and contempt. Well here we are twenty years later and it hasn't happened .... yet.

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On 28/08/2020 at 17:10, marshman said:

Or indeed, to be perfectly honest, much indication that it will. However its good that some watch the case with such avid attention on our behalf!!

You're welcome, MM.

It is good to see that such diligence will help ensure that the created Broadband habitat that you and I and our generation are able to enjoy for our leisure activities and will be there for the upcoming generation of Broads users to pass on in their turn.

I'm not talking about it being frozen  as it is now , but to develope and evolve further for the benefit of all users and not to be subjected to further restrictions and closures.


Who knows, if enough people are kept updated (bumped) on the subject , we may even get to evolve into opening up again some of those restricted areas for the enjoyment of all !



you may say I'm a dreamer - but I'm not the only one. ( John Lennon)


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