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Boat Tolls 2021


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JP has just announced at the meeting of The Broads Authority that toll income for this current year is due to be down by £100,000 from hire boats and £100,000 down from private boats. The good news is that there has been £350,000 worth of savings this year which will lead to a surplus of £150,000, but then the begging bowl came out setting the scene on how bad things are going to be for next year, despite an acknowledgement that hire boat bookings for next year are strong. Be aware the scene is already being set for next years toll review and it doesn't sound good.

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25 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

JP has just announced at the meeting of The Broads Authority that toll income for this current year is due to be down by £100,000 from hire boats and £100,000 down from private boats. The good news is that there has been £350,000 worth of savings this year which will lead to a surplus of £150,000, but then the begging bowl came out setting the scene on how bad things are going to be for next year, despite an acknowledgement that hire boat bookings for next year are strong. Be aware the scene is already being set for next years toll review and it doesn't sound good.

Without getting into politics, with ongoing issues with a certain virus and the potential chaos that a no-deal Brexit will cause in the New Year, another 2 or 3% on tolls will pale into insignificance.  
As unemployment resulting from Covid escalates, our balance of payments increases day by day and the threat of WTO import tariffs being imposed at 35% where no trade deals have been negotiated, I’m certainly not going to lose any sleep over it.  There are far bigger issues to be concerned about.

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Despite whats going on in the world this is still an important subject that needs to be carefully scrutinised. 

Some members might have very deep pockets while others might not.  

Tolls have risen sharply over the last 10 years.  This might be perfectly justified or it might just be down to mismanagement of finances.  I believe the latter. 

Covid is not an excuse to give the BA carte blanche in increasing Tolls even further.  

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11 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

As the saying goes, "the smaller the boat the bigger the fun…" 

Does that apply to other things too Mr JM Sir?

Errrrr.....asking for a friend :default_smiley-angelic002:

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