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The BA & Sluttons Dyke, Near Oulton Broad.


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If you are a toll payer then you will have received the Broads Authority's newsletter, Broad Sheet. In truth a palatable and interesting read this year! In one article mention is made of Sluttons Dyke, a very pleasant diversion off Oulton Dyke that I expect few of you have ever navigated or even know about. In recent years the waterway has become almost impassable to all but the most determined small boat sailor. It had become almost cut off from the main river by excessive tree growth, such a shame because it's long been a delightful waterway for embryo explorers of the Swallows and Amazon school of boating. The Authority is dutybound to maintain the right to navigate so it is good to read that they are "Managing trees to improve navigation".  The sadly deceased Ranger, Steve Wright, had promised me, several years ago, that the trees would be cut back but I was beginning to give up hope of the job ever being done, especially since Steve's passing, so it's good to read that this job is now in hand.  These pictures were taken eight years ago, before the trees were allowed to almost but not quite take over.


Slutterns Creek 013.JPG

Slutterns Creek 016.JPG

Slutterns Creek 010.JPG

Slutterns Creek 012.JPG

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I did read the other day that somewhere round the back in one of those dykes they are going to be dumping spoil from further dredging of Oulton - all to help the Wildlife Trust and a flood bank? Is that right???

I know where those dykes are but have never ventured down them - which ones are which and which is Sluttons Dyke?

About 2 years ago the BA appointed a new guy to be in charge of the navigations - for the life of me I cannot remember his name nor his title! Since then it seems to be that dredging management is a bit more "joined up" - he was instrumental in getting Waxham Cut dredged and also Catfield I believe and if he achieved that, he will have achieved something positive. I also think this winter they went up to Dungeon Corner from the Ferry -  that corner had got very bad. Perhaps at long last there will be some cohesion in doing some of the out of the way bits.

Or perhaps not!!!!

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6 minutes ago, marshman said:

I did read the other day that somewhere round the back in one of those dykes they are going to be dumping spoil from further dredging of Oulton - all to help the Wildlife Trust and a flood bank? Is that right???

Since they are kowtowing to the Wild Life Trust then that is quite likely. There was me thinking that they were doing the tree lopping for all the right reasons! Lets be generous and give them some credit. 

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12 hours ago, marshman said:

I know where those dykes are but have never ventured down them - which ones are which and which is Sluttons Dyke?

Sluttons is the first of the three as you leave Oulton Broad. The second two are excellent for wild mudweighting as you are well sheltered, even in a tempest.

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35 minutes ago, annv said:

I was hoping that when they stated to dump spoil there they would put a quay heading in as this would make a very good of river 24hr mooring and give access to the marsh. John

When the two 'wherry dykes' were dug, pre Broads Authority, the idea was eventually to backfill with dredged spoil. Perversely, after the dykes were cut, the then new Broads Act got in the way, navigable waters had to be maintained as navigable waters. The Authority was forced to abandon their plans by their own, recently introduced Act of Parliament. The intention had been to construct quay headings/coffer dams across the mouths of those two dykes. The landowners, a wild life trust, also opposed the plans as it would allow access to what is both an island and a breeding area.  Being an island means that there is no access to the marsh. Personally I always thought that a footbridge between the island, across Sluttons Dyke, and the marsh would be good and that the mooring could also be used as a picnic area. Ideas that were not supported by the wildlife trust. Historically Sluttons Dyke connected Oulton Broad to the Waveney, that was before Oulton Dyke was cut when the Lowestoft to Norwich Navigation was created.

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13 minutes ago, grendel said:

I an sure they had warnings of shallow water and underwater obstructions.

Yes, Slutton's Creek is shallow, at low water. The two Wherry Dykes are deeper, I've never grounded in either, despite the shallow water warnings, perhaps they are there as deterrents. Both regularly used by locals in the know.

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