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The Book Of River Cruiser Yacht Madie


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4B5F5E02-957D-46E6-B6F8-E655F98E50E9.thumb.jpeg.24f498328a4d3d3a4446fd6cccb1a138.jpegAn absolute must read for anyone that likes Broads History & Traditional wooden Sailing Boats.

Mike Barnes has really captured the history & Knowledge of the bygone era right up to the modern day.

If anyone is interested in a copy, Mike can be emailed on the following address: mike@nbyco.com

Edited by Tobster
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29 minutes ago, Wussername said:

How much is the book Mr Tobster. I am a poor pensioner who has raced against this magnificent iconic boat. We didn't win, even with a handicap in our favour.


I think it’s Β£38.00, best thing to do is drop Mike an email to be sure.

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23 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

I have a copy of Mike's book. It is a wonderful story and a great credit to Mike himself.

If you ever wondered what some Β mean when they say they are "custodians" of classic wooden boats, this book says it all!

I have not read the book Vaughan but I can remember the boat leaving Coldham Hall from under the care of Harry Last and the next time on blocks in the centre of Norwich. Owned by a well respected motor bike dealer. I feared that could have been the end. Thankfully not to be.Β 

The next time was on Wroxham Broad, during the cruiser race, cruiser races, boats helmed by well known Norfolk dignitaries, captains of industry, surgeon's, consultants from the Norfolk and Norwich hospital. They were very modest and reserved people. In private enjoying a well deserved quality of life denied by thier position in society.

Such was the legacy of Madie and similar craft.


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11 hours ago, Wussername said:

The next time was on Wroxham Broad, during the cruiser race, cruiser races, boats helmed by well known Norfolk dignitaries, captains of industry, surgeon's, consultants from the Norfolk and Norwich hospital. They were very modest and reserved people. In private enjoying a well deserved quality of life denied by thier position in society.

That is an excellent description of it, in just one paragraph!

My first job on leaving school was with the Norvic Shoe Co on St Georges Plain, so I walked over Fye bridge every morning from the bus stop and there was Maidie, stored on the bank at the back of Geoff Priest's motor cycle shop. Β She was badly hogged and had garboard seams that you could stick your fingers into. Β In the 60s I remember her being owned by John Abbot but mostly in the 70s when she was owned and raced by Reg Parsons, who now owns the Nelson Head at Horsey. Β She was still badly hogged and this made her sailing qualities almost exactly the same as Evening Flight and Ladybird. Β We were all great friends and used to have some great races together.

I first knew Mike when he owned the River Cruiser Serenity but by the time he started the re-build I had left the Broads to "seek my fortune elsewhere". Β We have always stayed in touch though and he gave me an early copy of the book to see if I could add anything or make any corrections. Β There was nothing. Β He has told it "like it was"!

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