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The Mercy,film About Donald Crowhurst.


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The film is on tonight, BBC 2 at 8.35 pm. This tells the story  when in 1968, he attempted to solo circumnavigate  the globe.He's boat launched at Eastwood's  Brundall. I first found  out about this at a fate in Brundall  many years ago,when I picked up a book about the attempt. I still have the book,which is on our boat.If anyone would  like to read it perhaps I can lend it out if anyone is interested, just pm me.As for the film I've not seen it yet but will watch it.

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Strange that due to the story of Donald Crowhurst Teignmouth Electron must be one of the most famous boats in the World. She however ended up abandoned, vandalised and stripped by souvenir hunters on Cayman Brac.

All in all a very sad tale.


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I think I read that she was repurposed hence the different cabin roof arrangement in some of the abandoned pics. I’ve sailed cats, darts and shearwaters, and know full well the disadvantages when it comes to tacking or even gybing compared to a monohull dinghy. I can’t begin to imagine what the Electron was like if the wind was not in your favour, the resistance of the outer hulls looks challenging. To achieve what DC did singlehanded is mind blowing, the support for his family after such a sad chain of events tells us a lot about the sort of person who takes this on, I’d like to be in their crew!

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