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Thoughts About Thrusters


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I'm so glad we hired a boat on a couple of occasions that didn't have bow thrusters. I was quite nervous the first time we hired Fair Regent, as the previous couple of hires were on boats with bow thrusters, but not having BTs does teach you a lot more in a short time on how to handle a boat. It might have been nerve wracking the first few days, but in the long term it gave me a lot more confidence. Having said that, I know I've still got a lot to learn, I reckon I learn a bit more each time we have an allocation on Moonlight Shadow. 

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Having had thrusters on our last three boats we wouldn't be without them now. That's why our latest acquisition was delivered straight to Sheerlines  in order to have  fitted (amongst many other things) thrusters with remote control  to both stern and bow.  We're now awaiting the fitting of a new canopy.  Now that the New Year is upon us we will seriously  start to  look for a suitable mooring so that we can get started on our boating soon as  the weather allows.



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Well done you for equipping your boat as you want it. 

When I fitted a BT to my boat it was not in response to what was fitted on any Hire Boat but it was what I wanted and I could afford it. 

My current boat was a 10 year old ex hire boat when I bought it from a pretty well regarded hire fleet operator who was shutting up and selling up. 

The owner had a typical at the time attitude that he knew best. The conversation went something like this. 

You dont need that bor

But I want it. 

You dont need that bor it will never be needed

No Sir you dont understand 

I want it or no sale. 

Its just a flash in the pan never catch on 

No BSS No sale. End of. 

When I bought my current boat I had a full 5 year BSS so I knew that for the next 5 years I would not have to worry about my boat failing a safety inspection which IMHO although flawed was a massive advancement in boat safety on the Broads. 

Its not keeping up with the Jonses its giving the customer what they want. 

There is not a hope in hell that I would be going around the Broads in what is a motorised shed that was what was on offer in the "Glory days" of broads boating. 

In 2022 a fridge, and warm air heating are not luxuries 

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