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40 minutes ago, Andrewcook said:

It looks like if your abroad like Italy you need a Wing & Prayer mind you the Pope will give you his blessings . 

A friend of mine - who was living in Paris at the time - once gave me a tip for driving in London. 'Drive in a car with French registration plates... Even the taxis give you a wide berth'. I suspect the same applies to Italian registration plates.

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the only groups that were consulted on the lobbied highway code changes were... cycling and alternative road user organisations. of the 20,000 replies, 16,000 came from cyling enthusiasts alone - no motoring organisation was invited to contribute.......

Does that sound like a fair and balanced consultation...

... oddly sounds verrrrry familiar!!!

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I recently re-took up cycling as a way of exercising. Having driven artics for more years than I wanted to, I never cycle on main roads as I think it's far too dangerous whoever has priority. After these changes I'm starting to think that being a cyclist is not a club I wanted to join.

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I was thinking (as one does) this morning, I wonder if the theory test for a driving licence has now been updated to include the new advice in the Highway Code?  If it has, I bet that'll confuse a lot of would be learners and initially lower the pass rate!!


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I would imagine that although phrases like "priority" and "right of way" may influence a court of law they would exert no influence whatsoever over 2 tons of moving steel or bone healing time/resuscitation techniques, you may get the funeral paid for from the compensation payout though.

Now how many of the first darwin award winners to step out will also be wearing earbuds while glued to their phone?

I see survival as more of a challenge than a right.


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16 hours ago, Vaughan said:

As children we were taught to look both ways and always use a pedestrian crossing.  Remember the Green Cross Code?

Now it seems that children can just step out across a junction in front of traffic and hope to stay alive.

Back to driving artics again: I used to be driving around the suburbs at around school chucking out time. Making turns and negotiating islands you had to watch out for any group of kids which had boys in it, usually over the age of 11ish. Especially if there were girls also around. A combination of ego and bravado would drive at least one of the boys to try and touch the trailer as it passed. Not occasionally, all the time. 

Now they have some kind of power and their mates to back them up.

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