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What Happened?


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It was recovered to Loddon I believe and lifted out for repair and restoration. I think it was the owners son in law who ended up with the boat. He did start a thread elsewhere about the restoration, but I'm not sure he finished either the restoration or the thread. 

I was involved on the day, haven't seen the video for some time now. I have a sneaking suspicion the boat ended up as firewood. I hope not as a lot of effort was put into raising her. That video is actually the second attempt to raise her, the first failing due to not enough or powerful enough pumps.

It was however a good advert for what happens when people on forums come together for the common good of the boater, rather than bickering endlessly.

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10 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

A long and expensive restoration is also hard for a willing group of naive Lads too


Not only expensive and long but at times the lads really put themselves in danger , diving under the boat from what I recall.

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2 hours ago, Hylander said:

Not only expensive and long but at times the lads really put themselves in danger , diving under the boat from what I recall.

Although it is worth pointing out that the divers had plenty of experience and took all safety precautions. I seem to remember there were two people there who'd had plenty of experience of diving. There were also boats out on the river and signs asking passing boats to slow down.

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