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New fenders


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I have a question regarding fenders.

I would like 3 sausage shaped fenders that are only semi buoyant. I would like them to float but vertically and with only about a third showing above the waterline.

I want these for places like Reedham when the tides are high.

Do such things exist?

Perhaps some sinking fenders might be good too.

Your views please!

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They have an eye at the top and the bottom of each fender.      I suppose you could tie a ltre bottle of water to the bottom of the fender and hope it stays there., or some other very heavy object but at least the bottle is plastic and would not damage your boat   -    Just a thought.   Any port in a storm as they say.      But only as a temporary measure.

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You are obviously talking about a permanent fix and I was just offering an idea for an overnight , temporary effort.    What you really want is one that is constructed in two sections the bottom chamber as you say filled with a heavy matter and the top chamber for the air.      Well you may have invented something that you could catch on.   

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Similar to the above idea but using lead fishing weights, you could use a simple clip the same as used on end tackle and it would still remain clear of the boat. (the clip is for easy fitting removal)



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On most of the fenders is a plug with the valve behind to re pressurize them. you could try to partially fill with water (if you hang the fenders the wrong way round with the plug in the water they tend to fill by default if not set correctly)

I would have thought that a fender set at river level slung from both ends would be fine.



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