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A different view of Potter Heigham


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I enjoy browsing old Broads postcards on ebay because I find gems like this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390754785710?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649. I would guess the photo dates from the 1960's but can anyone help locate the exact location. I'm interested to find out where the rather grand house in the background used to be.


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Hi Simon


That's the old Bridge Hotel in the background. Burnt down in the 80's I think. Its now a patch of concrete used as a car park next to the chippy. Very sad, it was a lovely pub.


PS - I think the picture would have been taken from the old road bridge looking upstream.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it was in 91, as i remember a friend of mine who came on the Broads with us in 91 and 92, had a week in Gt Yarmouth and went to Potter Heigham one day, and actually saw it burning down.  I can`t understand why this old building was never re-built, or replaced?.



Regards to all ......................... Neil.

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The chap that owned the hotel at the time also owned the Broadshaven Pub.

Stayed in the hotel a few times in my younger days after falling out of Tigers the old night club that was in the back of the Broadshaven Pub.

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Nothing, but nothing, should get in the way of a good story! :smile:


There was nothing suspicious about the fire.


The Fire service report put the cause of the fire down to an electrical fault.  Personally I am prepared to accept that reason.  However, because I knew the building well and saw some parts of it not available to public view, I can tell you the property was in a shocking state and I can think of a very good reason for the fire to have started - still accidental - but not electrics related.


The pub's tenants at the time were a relatively young couple who hadn't long taken on the tenancy.  


The Richardson family did, at one time run both riverside pubs but not for years before the fire.


The site was bought by its present owner - a Lowestoft builder - from Chef and Brewer (the owners of the Bridge Inn - not Bridge Hotel - when it burned to the ground) for a peppercorn sum because Chef and Brewer could not/would not pay the huge scaffolding bill.  Some of you will remember that the scaffolding supporting what little was left of the building remained in situ for years. 


The Bridge Inn used to be called the Waterman's Arms until the turn of the last century.

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