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Fender Cleaning

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Hi Folks! I saw this mentioned on another forum for cleaning fenders, and as Judi had a bottle I thought I'd give it a try, it's Fairy Power cleaner, it's the dogs doo dahs!

I've tried loads of other cleaners like Cif, bleach cleaners, PVC cleaners you name I've tried it, but the power cleaner bought my fenders up like new, you just spray it on, leave it for 10 minutes, give it a scrub with one of those magic sponges and rinse it off, I wish I did a before and after piccie now, but this stuff even surprised me,



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Alan! I used the magic sponges last time and they did a good job, but combined with the power spray this time they did a great job, got every bit of ingrained dirt and crud out,,,,,, anyways not the best picture but these fenders are four years old and I threw the NBN flag in for good measure,,,




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I'd mention this! I use magic sponges like Alan to clean my fenders, I normally buy mine at Aldi's around £1.50 for six, yesterday while in a Chandels in Wroxham I noticed a small packet hanging up by the counter that said fender cleaning sponges, so being nosey I took a look! it's a pack of two magic sponges the same size as the ones I get from Alsi's, I think to myself it's taken them long enough to cotton on to something a lot of us have been doing for ages, then I see the price! £7.00 plus a few penny's for two, proof that if you claim it's anything to do with boats you can try and charge people stupid prices, next week you can find me at a local Car boot with packs of two magic sponges with a picture label of a Boat and the words Magic Fender Cleaning Sponges £3.50, I'm just off to Aldi to buy up their entire stock,,,,


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