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New TV aerial


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I'm after changing our TV aerial which works fine but am getting fed up having to keep repositioning it when the Mrs fancies watching TV at various moorings.

Been thinking about one of them omnidirectional jobbies and in particular a Glomex one.

Anybody got one if so are they any good.

Failing that the Mrs can go sit in the dinghy with her ipad.

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Hi Steve , we got a Glomex omiwhatever  and fitted it to the mast last year

So far it been superb and we have had a good signal/picture in all the  areas we have tried it to date

We fitted  the arial, on the cross piece of the mast ran the cable to the amplifier ( all part of the kit ) and  then ran cables to front cabin and wheelhouse . ( splitter reqd for this or just change the plugs around )

Both TV sets picked up all the main channels first time and tuned perfectly

so, for , us its wonderful and as good as sliced bread !

The prophets of doom said it would just pick up a  SH 1 T signal and amplify it - how wrong they were

I would thoroughly recommend it and think we paid about 80-90 quid for the kit (we used  the smaller diameter of the two sizes available for neatness )




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Hi Steve , we got a Glomex omiwhatever  and fitted it to the mast last year

So far it been superb and we have had a good signal/picture in all the  areas we have tried it to date cheers Alex....will get one this week...got 13 days off from Thursday so that will give me something to do.

We fitted  the arial, on the cross piece of the mast ran the cable to the amplifier ( all part of the kit ) and  then ran cables to front cabin and wheelhouse . ( splitter reqd for this or just change the plugs around )

Both TV sets picked up all the main channels first time and tuned perfectly

so, for , us its wonderful and as good as sliced bread !

The prophets of doom said it would just pick up a  SH 1 T signal and amplify it - how wrong they were

I would thoroughly recommend it and think we paid about 80-90 quid for the kit (we used  the smaller diameter of the two sizes available for neatness )




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That's it mind made up....The coat hanger jobbie thing is going to be replaced with a Glomex one.

Only downside the Mrs will have To Find Somewhere Else To Hang Her Washing.

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just ditched a ominidirectional jobby for one of these, (i know it,s omi aswell), but it works a dam site better than the enclosed one , but the ariel is low down on our  front deck, :angel:  :wave

hi Trevor we did try one like that but didn't have much success with it.... We had a booster on it to but still had to move it about a few times...think I will get her some knitting needles.... wooly hat for you at the meet haha.
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hi Trevor we did try one like that but didn't have much success with it.... We had a booster on it to but still had to move it about a few times...think I will get her some knitting needles.... wooly hat for you at the meet haha.

Least its only a hat!!, the last knitted garment someone made for me ermm wasn,t a finger warmer!!

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We have found after much trial and error that the best and most reliable tv aerial for use on the broads is one of these:


These maxview ones are fairly small and light when compared with a residential type. They are easily mounted onto a longer pole (screwfix) and installed via a booster you will be hard pushed to find many places you cant get a signal. On the southern broads atleast i have gone from oulton broad to norwich with the tv on and not even needed to move the aerial while underway to keep a good picture!

You can get these aerials in kits with a simple bracket mounts which are subtle enough to permantly fix to your boat and maxview sell external mounted sockets and a 12v digital booster if you want to make a proper job of it. Brian Wards used to stock a lot of this stuff not sure if they still do.

I have tried Glomex in the past and in my view you are just paying for something that looks pretty and the omni disc type we had was absolute rubbish, have you seen how much glomex charge for extension poles and mounting brackets etc!!

Unless your going for tracvision anything in between is just going to be a waste of your money. The key is to get your aerial as high as possible/sensible and its easy to do that with one of these.

Hope the link works

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I see there is much differing opinion on this subject

All I can say is mine has worked flawlessly - much to the disgust of a certain marine engineer who said it was "crap" and would only pick up  "snow"

Maybe its our 8'6" airdraft  and mast mounting , but whatever its ok

He has just finished digesting his hat recently lol :)

I went for it so I would not need poles etc , or something I have to remove and store ( kick about and stand on usually)

I am sure there are places it wont work so good , but so far not found them ,and if I do it wont be a  real blow as I don't come to the Broads to watch telly anyway , its just nice to have the option .

doubtless our next mooring will be the one where it lets me down !!!! :oops:

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Lorna has just reminded me that , anyone wanting a good aerial on a tall pole can get a good choice at Ludham Bridge

The supply is very well stocked and topped up fairly regularly , models to suit hire and private craft available

To get one all you need is a hook on a rope or diving apparatus and a bit of luck ! Fish2


Its amazing , when you shout to folk "mind your aerial"  , they usually wave ,smile and smash it on the bridge anyway :clap:)

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We have found after much trial and error that the best and most reliable tv aerial for use on the broads is one of these:


These maxview ones are fairly small and light when compared with a residential type. They are easily mounted onto a longer pole (screwfix) and installed via a booster you will be hard pushed to find many places you cant get a signal. On the southern broads atleast i have gone from oulton broad to norwich with the tv on and not even needed to move the aerial while underway to keep a good picture!

You can get these aerials in kits with a simple bracket mounts which are subtle enough to permantly fix to your boat and maxview sell external mounted sockets and a 12v digital booster if you want to make a proper job of it. Brian Wards used to stock a lot of this stuff not sure if they still do.

I have tried Glomex in the past and in my view you are just paying for something that looks pretty and the omni disc type we had was absolute rubbish, have you seen how much glomex charge for extension poles and mounting brackets etc!!

Unless your going for tracvision anything in between is just going to be a waste of your money. The key is to get your aerial as high as possible/sensible and its easy to do that with one of these.

Hope the link works

we don't have a problem with getting a picture with the old coat hanger type aerial accept having to move its position when changing moorings so thought about getting omnidirectional one and stick it on a pole and shouldn't need moving again.
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Had our boat 3.5yrs and still not got the TVs working. Not sure if it's the glomex aerial or cabling. Did try a cheapo aerial I borrowed and it worked straight away so the TVs are good.

To be honest I like not having a telly and the other half hasnt nagged me about it either (a first).

We both spend most of the time in the cockpit watching the wildlife and sometimes even talking!!!

Might look at it next year if I get bored!!!

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Tried that talking thing MM and ended up with a bigger boat.

I can go without TV and radio and all the other forms of media but I'm afraid the Mrs can't.... Cheaper to let her have her TV and a lot less ear ache...

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MM. Sometimes it can break down and the signal gets lost.

If it goes like this - can you get me a beer and some crisps my darling, love of my life please? And the response is - what did your last slave die off? Get it yourself you lazy fat gxt.

Then often communication gets lost for some time until there is a thaw in the ice that has covered hell or the blue moon appears!

It's good to talk!

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Side stand. Is the bigger boat so you get an end each?

That just leads to shouting!!

you go it in one Mark.... I'm just waiting for the Mrs asking to have intercom fitted !!
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