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Yak 52

Brian J.

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Had to share this.  On Monday 29th, I am flying a Yak 52,  a 70's Russian trainer. I'm not sure what I will be allowed to do as I will be flying with the owner but hopefully he will let me throw it around a bit. Can't wait!

                                                                                  :dance :dance :dance

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Isn't it funny how we can like/hate different things, Personally Brian, that for which you look forwards to so strongly, would be my worst nightmare. I do hope you enjoy it though.

My feet are firmly rooted to the ground (except when they're rooted to the water. :)

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I've been lucky enough to have flown several types of aircraft in the last ten years or so, doing various semi aerobatic manoevres within the limits of the aircraft limits. Felt sick many years ago when I wasn't actually flying - just a passenger. This will be only the secnd a/c that I have flown that is fully aerobatic.

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I was lucky enough at the ripe old age of 17 to fly in a PITTS SPECIAL......


It was the Leicester Mercury Pitts Special.....


I was doing my pilots licence through the Air Cadets at Leicester, and the chief flying instructor was Barry Tempest ( I think that was his name) he was an aerobatic pilot, and took me as a passenger in the Pitts .... did the full aerobatic routine.....  the best was the Wing drop stall..... go vertical and when the plane looses speed and comes to a stop, nose up, full rudder and down you go....


After 33 years I think my stomach is still up there....



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Isn't it funny how we can like/hate different things, Personally Brian, that for which you look forwards to so strongly, would be my worst nightmare. I do hope you enjoy it though.

My feet are firmly rooted to the ground (except when they're rooted to the water. :)


I`m with you on that one John.  I`ve only ever flown 4 times (well, technically 5, once in an air experience flight in a glider), all 4 times flying to Toronto and back while working for Hunting aircraft interiors. That was in 96. I flew out there on July 31st, flew home for a holiday on the Broads (Aston Sapphire) in October,  then back out there til Christmas. Notice i came home for the important things?.


I still work in aircraft interiors, but HAVE`NT flown anywhere since.

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Well, flight over. What an amazing aircraft, built like a tractor and sounds like one. Managed to get the owner to let me do all the flying except take off and landing. Flew down to Greenham Common for some clear air space and then threw it about a bit..Negative and positive 'g' in some wing overs - 3 'g' positive and 1 1/2 negative. Loops and barrel rolls next time. Got back to the airfield to find a problem with the landing gear - oops. We had done the entire flight with the gear down. Never mind all was well in the end. Looking forward to the next time.


                                                  :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance

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