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Photos of Boats


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So while hubby fishes I like to do a bit of photography. I just snap away at what I like and am more the instinctive type of photographer with a point and shoot camera as opposed to someone who takes a long while to compose a shot. 


Over the last couple of years in particular I have become quite obsessive about taking photos of as many boats as I could. Last week I spent quite a long time putting all of these together out of curiosity to see how many different boats I had managed to capture. I used this site http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Main_Page to identify a lot of them from their numbers if I couldn't see a name.


Ended up with about 120 boats and only 2 that I couldn't identify. I've put some of them into a slideshow if anyone is interested. They have been taken mostly between 2012 and 2015 but with a few from 2008. They cover both the northern and southern rivers and both hire boats and privately owned boats. Some photos are just the boat while in others the boat is part of the scene, if that makes sense.


And who knows ... you might see your own boat or one that you have hired in amongst these shots. :)



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Thanks Poggymale and CooWee. Having discovered how to put photos into slideshows to share, I really enjoyed doing this. Might be a while before I get back to the Broads to get any more Norfolk boats but I've got some from somewhere else that I want to try next ... although it won't be anywhere near as many as this one was.

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So while hubby fishes I like to do a bit of photography. I just snap away at what I like and am more the instinctive type of photographer with a point and shoot camera as opposed to someone who takes a long while to compose a shot. 


Over the last couple of years in particular I have become quite obsessive about taking photos of as many boats as I could. Last week I spent quite a long time putting all of these together out of curiosity to see how many different boats I had managed to capture. I used this site http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Main_Page to identify a lot of them from their numbers if I couldn't see a name.


Ended up with about 120 boats and only 2 that I couldn't identify. I've put some of them into a slideshow if anyone is interested. They have been taken mostly between 2012 and 2015 but with a few from 2008. They cover both the northern and southern rivers and both hire boats and privately owned boats. Some photos are just the boat while in others the boat is part of the scene, if that makes sense.


And who knows ... you might see your own boat or one that you have hired in amongst these shots. :)



Hi Jean,

If you look in our information pages you will see three links (including the one you use) here is a quick link to that section:-


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