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Cuts in funding does`nt nessecarily mean a worse service. The one thing big buisness and authorities always do when funds are reduced is to cut services, but why?. With so many executives having astronomical salaries, bonuses, and share dividends etc, it would be better to cut them, and keep paying for services.  All too often do we hear that an authority, or a buisness sees a reduction in funding or profits, but who do they get rid of to cut the defecit?. It`s always the employees at grass roots level that suffer job losses, when it would be more cost effective to do away with overpayed executives. 

In my company, a recent top level management shake up, with a completely different operational philosophy resulted in many of the upper middle management being "asked to leave for a substantial pay off".if you know what i mean.  Several of those that are eft have said they`ve  made a mistake, but the company is working more efficiently, because their private little over budgeted empires no longer exist. However, none of the shop floor production staff have gone, in fact, they`re looking to increase production staffing levels.

In most cases, unnessecary levels of non productive management actually do more harm than good to a buisness, by taking nessecary funding away from more important areas.



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9 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Can't argue with any of that SpeedTriple, It's what's going wrong at the moment !

What are the chances of the top brass agreeing with you though?

Absolutely none where authority is concerned John, however, with so many of big buisnesses  needing to make cutbacks, without losing output, they`re now finding the best way to do it is to get rid of "the old boy network".  I was told many years ago that a typical high volume production industry would have around 60% of its staff in non productive positions. I did hear a couple of years back that the ratio is now on average around 4 - 1. I`m not surprised so many British buisnesses are shipping out and going overseas. Having said that, our company has just announced it`s been bought out by the Chinese, so we are now all concerned about our future.


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