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Stern gland questions.(again)

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How hot is too hot?

I have to repack my stern glands and have never done it before, I know they shouldn't run too hot when done but how hot is normal for a 20knot boat with water injected glands?

I'm making a system to monitor my raw water pump temps (to check for flow, I'm guessing they'll get hot pretty quick with no flow) and as it can take 4 thermocouples am going to monitor stern gland temps too, just don't know what temp to program an alarm for, currently have 50 degrees C as a test setting and green digits go red when they pass that figure but a rough guide would be helpful, always had outdrives before.

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The stern glands can be just luke warm to the touch after the shafts have been turning If they are hotter than that then they have been overtightened.

They should be adjusted so that they drip about once or twice per minute. If the gland is overtightened then its not going to drip and the gland will overheat which will cause wear on the shaft and damage the packing.


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Ta for that, I'll set the alarm limit at 30 degrees and see how it goes, now added engine bay temp to the display as the main circuit will be in the engine bay and there's a digital temp sensor on it for the cold junction temps so the input is already there to be used, always interesting to see how hot the intake air is as it shows if the ventilation is up to the job.

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