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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. I quite like Humbugs JA Eight n bit more days then may the Festivities Begin! Iain.
  2. Hi Neil, I have seen Herbert Woods mentioned for doing upholstery. How expensive, sorry know idea. Iain.
  3. Nah Jean.....this is Charlie sneaking off trying not to be noticed! Iain
  4. Perhaps I could try a glass of CNP white with Isle of Arran;s finest Mature and Caramelised Onion cheese, and fine oatcakes. Sound like a very good idea. Iain.
  5. I sadly cannot drink strong volume drinkies anymore, but I will look out for it, thank you for the info, appreciated. Iain
  6. Poppy, I usually wait for the Aldi's one, its even cheaper lol or was last year, and very nice it was too, so I was told by the person I gave it to as a prezzie. If only one could find a cheap but quality Nuis St George. A white du Pape, I thought only available in the Vatican? Iain.
  7. Hi Grace, Like your style, but, very sorry NBN Mods are not allowed to show favour to any members especially ones who threaten injury with Fire Extinguishers! My poor leg is wincing at the thought of that item! Iain
  8. Ohh Scroogeie smilley..yes please! Bah Humbug Iain
  9. Grrrrrr!!!!! Humbugs boilings, aye even Turkish Delight, but till we pass St Andrews Day, 30th November, it aint the C word NOR DECEMBER! There after you can go doalliy, and type ALL the Christmas stuff you like Gracie, dear lady Christmas for those who like counting down, will know there are still thirty two days shopping left! Iain.
  10. A light dusting on Goat Fell, Isle of Arran. Mainland not a drop here, but bitterly cold wind! brrrr! Iain.
  11. BB, in my case I had to find weakness in all his statements regarding local golf, and eventually he was funoot as they say! It was not easy, but if you can prove incompetence, they in the end have to step down! Polly I think that is very unfair on Tasmania, Outer Mongolia I think would be far more suitable !!! Iain
  12. JM I had dealings with a person like that in golf. He thought he was above the law also and untouchable. People power eventually removed him! He was eventually air brushed out of the council web site! Iain
  13. For one Christmas, our church choir, forty strong and another church choir in Ayr got together and performed Handel's Messiah, - abridged version - complete down to having a special harpsicord and orchestra. To this day I still get goosebumps and hair raise on the back of my neck with singing the Hallelujah Chorus! Or hearing it performed.
  14. Likewise, I did also. It just sounds so special in German. Same with Oh Come all ye Faithfull in Latin. I suppose we were just taught differently in those days at school. Iain
  15. I miss the slate board! Hoseasons would have struggled with one or many of them! Iain.
  16. Mine is the carol, Still the Night Holy the Night, sang in German. I say that, because these days Christmas is far too commercial IMHO. Iain.
  17. Not me It is after all Chateauneuf Du Pape season Iain.
  18. Going that far back Andy, you will soon be picking up your Pension! Iain.
  19. We have always hired a boat that will go through Beccles bridge, we go down past the pool and turn at the next bend and chug very slowly back to the Yacht Station, Always think back to Poolcraft and the yard that hired all the Shelties, Arrow Boats? Did that, if not going down to Geldeston Lock. Many happy memories there. Iain.
  20. Absolutely love these old Beccles pics JM. Thank you for sharing. Iain.
  21. If all else fails Mark, leave it to SWMBO, they know ALL about getting whites cleaned! Iain
  22. A nice glass of well chilled Cava at breakfast in Spain always went down well.
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