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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi John, So sorry, don't know how I missed your comments. Aye Kilts and Haggis have their advantages John, I do not give up easily, i've fought Psoriasis for nearly forty years, and Arth for the last ten or so. Ruth says when I want to, I can and will move mountains, life is always a challenge, this happens to be the latest of them. If you read elsewhere on here, I have been told, threatened even, I must make the May Meet. If my health allows it will happen, just the thought of drinking chocolate and eating a boat? Think that's wrong somehow, but to see a rejuvenated healthy young lady like Gracie there, is a goal worth aiming for IMHO. Iain
  2. Awe Pat leave the "wee laddie" alone!
  3. I can see it now Marina, Ian dressed as Jose Mourinho! or worse, Arsene Wenger! Iain.
  4. Hi Eric, Welcome to the fawin apert brigade. Dinny worry, one of my best mates has had his done, like you he was a wee bit scaredy custard, but said never felt a thing, the nurse was pure dead gorgeous too who held his hand..... nah seriously, he was not able to drive because of the cataracts, but is back driving now. He said he had a slight irritation for a few days, that was all. He was in and out same day...twice. Hope that helps clear your mind matey. Iain.
  5. Ray, I have already been warned by a talking Boat! Plus, as you say avoid the wrath of dearest Gracie! Iain.
  6. Hi Ray, Yes, I have been thinking a lot about it in the clear light of day, and know I had to leg it home. I know I have clocked up thousands of miles driving to Norfolk. this was the hardest leaving I must say. I can fly from Edinburgh at a price! The cheaper way would be to Stanstead. The train is a tricky one as I found out going to a conference in Ipswich. I will sit down and discuss it with my crew. I will still be on here, I enjoy the banter so much. Iain.
  7. Grace, I have to be honest,I don't know, but IF its possible, we WILL share a glass of wine or five, it helps my two left feet dance better! Iain.
  8. Hi Howard, Yes it does, but like my wimen I like them boats big! Seriously I had one day boat many moons ago, its just not me, too low! I have over six months to put the remnants of the grey sells to use and find a solution. Iain.
  9. Those of us old enough to remember when the new road was built, I wonder IF the correct asphalt/tar macadam will be used this time! Iain
  10. Yep, Soon be time to clear the cobwebs girls off your "brooms!" Iain
  11. All done by coach and Ferry from Hull! I don't drive on the wrong side of the road !
  12. I have passed through the Netherlands many times JM Tee hee. Iain
  13. Oh JM you norty boy My good lady told me to look the OTHER way! Iain.
  14. Hi Charlie, I've been at Stanstead a few times, but was a lot fitter then. The walks from some of the gates are of Olympic proportions! I use to be able get a flight from Prestwick near where I live, till Ryanair pulled the plug on that route. It was a quickish way into London. Or be met by friends and a stop over at Harlow, Travelodge. Iain.
  15. Oh just remember what it use to be like going round the old Norwich Ring Road before the By- pass was opened in 1993 ish? Iain
  16. Hi Charlie, Typing that blog today, is the hardest thing I have done since I joined the Forum. I will do all I can to make next years May Meet, it may require a rethink how I get there. The 8 hour drive or so is getting too much for my old bones. Arthritis is a bu***r but Psoriatic Arth is a lot worse, I can fly from Glasgow to Stansted, that is only then a two hour or so drive with a hire car. We shall see how the body behaves. One thing is for sure, you lot aint getting rid of the pesky mod any day soon, unless the powers that be, say so! Iain.
  17. I'd drink to that comment Viking if I was allowed too! I really thought by now a proper road from the A1 coming south would have be built. Or the A17 made into a proper road, not a "Farm Road!" that it remains just now. Iain
  18. If you drink enough wine etc, in moderation of course, you won't hear any noise at Norwich YS! Speaking from many past years of experience! Iain
  19. Ah, now THAT I do agree mate, She most definately would ! Iain.
  20. Charlie? I don't remember WINE being sold in public bars in those days unless you mean Doubonet! Yuck! Iain
  21. JA hi, just caught up with your enquiry, have you considered contacting the local rags? Maybe they have some thing on file from that date? Bit of a forlorn hope, but, hey you just never know your luck! Just a thought, you must like burnt chochies too! Iain
  22. Grace IF you had been around in THOSE days you would have been in the SNUG with yer bottle of Mackesons and a fag in yer gob. That put you in your place! Iain.
  23. Hello all, Well, I have sad news, I had to return home from Norfolk. It looks like that was one boat too far for this old decrepit body of mine. Arthritis is one thing, add being a Chronic Psoriasis Sufferer, was just too much. I rested Monday all day in the hope it would maybe calm down, but, sadly this was not to be. Tuesday, Ruth steered the boat most of the way back to the yard at Acle, I managed to reverse it in to the basin quay, where one of the many helpful staff there tied us up. He duly refilled the diesel, and all the paper work etc completed. Jason the boss kindly reversed my car outside to the boat so that we could reload the car. I rested on the bed which caused all the problem its a cracking little cruiser but not for one with a less nibble body. We left the yard at 6.30pm, just as it happens the rain came thumping down, so as always driving I take my time to readjust to SPEED! The A47 was not too busy and getting around Norwich was easier than expected. Made go time to Kings Lynn, Then of course its our "favourite" road the A17 or in this case tonight the road into Lincoln! Yes you read right, Lincoln, many of the roads were closed for overnight roadworks so it was a big diversion to Lincoln and then back out the road towards Newark. Eventually getting on to the A1 heading south first then off and back on to head North. My target for a break was Wetherby Services. May I add at this point without cruise control, driving would not have been so easy. Anyway we arrived at 10pm at the Services. Decision made to book into the Days Inn, never used before, but will in the future! The room was well set out, and the bed for me was brilliant! A good nights kip was had there. We packed up the overnight bag, and left Wetherby at 10am. So glad we decided to stay overnight there, as we heard the A1 and A66 were also shut that night for roadworks. A very nice drive over the A66 and a short break at Southwaite, we were home just before 2.15pm. As the old saying goes, East/West hames best! It was not an easy choice, but it was the sensible one. I honestly do not know if I will be fit and able to holiday on a boat again. Time will tell on that one. Sorry no pics, worth showing to all of you. This was not an easy blog to write. Iain.
  24. JA I am a shy retarded type I couldn't possibly take the proverbial....but...Scoot can! Iain
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