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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Robin, I have Windows 8 upgraded to 8.1. I aint no puter genius, but find, if I stick to the Windows set up like 7 and not use the apps window I get along fine with it. Iain.
  2. Good question....I leave ALL the techy stuff to those that know! Jonzo and Alan and Alan? Iain.
  3. Hi Geoff, Its a car I have not a pantechnicon to transport Scoot! They look the biz, but a bit big ! Iain.
  4. Anyone reading this thread would think Howard is on a Boating PUB Crawl Enjoy!!! Iain.
  5. Or...Clasp your hands and point yer fingers to the sky! Iain
  6. Awe Grace, RB Alan was just cheering young Alan up before the BSC Iain
  7. Love it Strowy Ta for pic! Iain.
  8. Brilliant Frank Oh that IS tempting! Iain.
  9. Hi Howard, They use to sell "Craigellachie" Malt there, many moons ago. My late father in law and I had to sample a few purely for scientific purposes, and nothing to do with climbing the hill to get there! Iain.
  10. I suspect Alan, its the one on the road up the hill, from Salhouse? I think it had an array of Malt Whiskies on display at one time? Iain.
  11. Oh my appols young Alan, I forgot you are not just a boat rebuilder, but do Techy stuff for a living! Nice one young man. Iain.
  12. Hi Carol, Without being too nosey, costings may give folks a better idea, what monies you require to upgrade the software. I am 110% sure members here would assist you in your quest. Windows 8.1 is good and not difficult to operate, even for a numptie like me! I suspect you will receive lots of feedback on this. If you don't wish to go public pricewise, PM me or Jonzo please, I do hope we can help you. Iain.
  13. A "Belfast" one may weigh you down a bit though Geoff Iain.
  14. Funny you should say that Geoff...Errrrr..... hmmmmmm Iain.
  15. Geoff, Great idea, but, due to the elf n safety brigade, it would be deemed as dangerous and not showing due care and attention to other river users. Plus, you aint seen SWMBO steering a forward steering boat! I am sure we use twice the fuel when she is at the helm! zig zagging would not be a good idea, with me tied on at the stern! Iain.
  16. I am sure Uncle Albert would love one of them instead of his Zimmer Frame, Timbo! Nice one Rincewind! Iain.
  17. Hi Mr Timborine, sorry TamperIain, Many thanks for you most eloquent thoughts on my degeneration into "scootersville" well thats my name for it Trust me, I have NO intention of scooting along the A47, however, due to the crawling pace of the A17 I will have time to assemble my Scoot and go for a a jolly along it. My wife and sister in law, can drive the car and catch me up once the traffic jam has been reduced. Sadly in real life, that is but a pipe dream, as Scoot aint allowed to wheech along on roads, pavements for me, so to use a Forum members type remark "Get AFF my pavements!" I would love to be the owner of a woodie broads cruiser, one though that aint five feet off the ground at the bow, my days of lowping of cruisers is but a distant memory. I have a cunning plan if I meet up with Uncle Alert in his Zimmer, as yet the plan is still up in the grey cells of my pea sized brain. It was a bigger brain, but has shrunk dramatically since retirement! I was not intending to bring Scoot to Norfolk, but as he disassembles into bits n pieces, he I am sure, would love the flat lands there. Not decided yet if he will venture down or not though. As a well known yorkie on here would say, anyroadup Scoot is here to stay. It was so bracing and invigorating yesterday down at the Seafront in my home town of Ayr. Going one way was brill, the return trip was a rather wateryeyed affair. Tim, I really do appreciate your concerns, but I have held back for over two years to buy one. The dastardly deed has been done. So lock up yer friends and family. The Scots Scooter Scoot is here to stay! Iain P.S. Like all famous and infamous racing drivers, I will be available for Scoot AutoGraphs in early May on the Broads.
  18. Ta Frank, great idea, But errr I think...well anno it would make my warrenty nul n void lol Iain.
  19. Hi Alan, ALL brill vibes young man Just one worrying aspect.....only ONE!! bottle of WHERRY! surely a typo error! Iain.
  20. Good point Clive, For any newbies ventureing up to the NYS for the day, I think it was £5.00 10am till 5pm. £12 after 5pm must leave 10am following morning or its another £5.00. SWMBO says the showers at NYS aint bad. Iain.
  21. Thank you Carol, very interesting indeed. Well you saw it there Double Mooring! And two at least 37ft Bounty's go through That Bridge with a lot to spare. Also, to me anyway, the tides looked lower up North then? Now 1978 I will be watching with great interest as that was my first three times a year holiday on the rivers! Iain.
  22. Hi Folks, All of us who have cruised the Broads for years have read at some time or another that 5mph is a "Brisk" walking pace. Well is it? Is it 5mph? The reason I ask, I am now the proud owner of a Travel Mobile Scooter, named by me as "Scoot!" Original or what! Anyway I digress, back to this 5mph walking pace for cruising in those speed limit areas, Scoot is limited to about 4mph and a smidge down wind, I should know, I tested it today down at Ayr seafront. I asked two joggers, fit lads by the looks of their rippling muscles (calm down Grace, both married!) to keep up with me walking at this brisk 5mph speed, nae chance I won hands down over the quarter Lang Scots Mile. Soooo somebody, has been telling porkies for years about this brisk walking speed malarky! I wonder who? Iain.
  23. That will be the 1870's Frank? Sorry matey I coodny resist . Back to be serious, yes you are 110% correct Frank regarding electricity. As Alan (R.Breeze) would know, when you were serving your apprenticeship, do not play about with electricity, it can and WILL kill you. I have a 440volt scar on my thumb from a busbar chamber, so knows how close to not typying this little ditty I nearly was then. IF in doubt better a dear lecky bill than funeral costs. Iain.
  24. Frank, Having wired a racecourse stand in MICC/Pyro, (I still get nightmares making off the ends lol) I am brain dead with solid drawn cables If you read my remarks O^O¬ I did say both flex and solid Agree completely, flexible for boats, so the cables wont break. Iain.
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