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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. I have it on good authority lol Iain.
  2. Surely not! Errrr WHAT! National Park? Iain
  3. How did you know I lived in Jurassic Park, Tim? The only dinosaurs then are the same ones as now, that are "employed" at Westminster as MPs Some for not much longer! Iain
  4. Mark, Tell Matron she can use the shower first! Iain.
  5. Yes Alan a brilllllllliannnnt WW2 film. Clint Eastwood and Donald Sutherland and Telly Savalas. starred in it. Iain.
  6. Yessssssssssssss!! Alan hehehehe I see we like similar films lol Iain p.s. How two mods can take a thread OFF Topic in two posts! Sorry YOUNG Alan Iain.
  7. Hi Eric, I remember them, I think DunLow made them. Have a feeling they aint made anymore, but willing to be proved wrong. Iain.
  8. "Broadland: So much MORE than a National Park! Well said Tim IMHO Iain.
  9. Robin, That takes me back to my days of hiring from Astons, instant hot water for showers in the morning NO engines needing to be started up! Iain.
  10. Yes Geoff, I too enjoyed my childhood in the early 50's. Happy days indeed. Iain.
  11. What was it Donald Sutherland said in Kellys Heroes? Ah yes, what's with those NEGATIVE waves Moriaerty(Alan) To use a naval pun, you will sail through the Test young Alan! Iain
  12. Just like their website is at times Strowy Iain.
  13. Hi Steve, No worries, I have a wide choice of 0% lager/biers to enjoy. Plus all the diet ones too. I still have a dram to bring in the New Year, Christmas, MY Birthday, Robert Burns Birthday, and St Andrews Day, life aint bad, perhaps I should have said 99.9% TT
  14. I wish Steve lol... I've been TT now for three years due to health reasons. See Grace, Eric knew lol Iain.
  15. It means Grace..... Och Eric or Cheshire Cat can tell you lol Iain.
  16. Best of luck Griff in getting the extra contract work. Iain.
  17. Well Grace sadly thats no a very guid link am afraid. Even I canny unnerstawn an Eberdonian when he is brahms inclind tae lizt When my cousins (scousers) came into a Ayr pub early evening they understood all that was being said, by 9pm they KNEW they were in a foreign land, they hadny a clue what was being said, as we speek then at a hunnermilesanoor I am sure the Admiral could confirm this if he was online lol Iain.
  18. Me Me Me!!!!! But, in a Scottsh morning roll lol. Like you Bonzo, we always have a tin as a standby. Iain.
  19. As I said earlier, I live a long way from the Broads (Eric/Riyadhcrew) a hellova lot longer! I am sure he like me is reading this thread with interest and some! Paladin, please don't disappear into thin air on this thread, your input as well as all the other scribes who know the Broads better then any of us ever will, so keep posting on it, thank you. Iain.
  20. Aye Tim, yeah canny beat a guid nurddle blubber thingy. Am shure yer faither will act as Sat Nav wance you are on yer way tae the boat. As Mark and Grace said, take it easy peasy, nae marathon running just the gentle walk wi the twa Beagles. Seriously get back to full fitness soon Tim, and back down to your lovely woodie thats RT. Iain.
  21. Nope, don't think so Strowy. Iain.
  22. Oh brave man Jeff I only asked the question! Iain.
  23. Yes Monica, I may have to lock this thread incase Weightwatchers complain! Only jokin Bonzo... Keep the menus coming please! Iain
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