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Everything posted by 650xs

  1. a sad day has come to leave some of my collection good old " annie " is off to be rebuilt powles tow boat from the 1930/40s a tear in my eye .................................. never mind off to collect some more in next week or so bigger boots too .....!!!!!!!!! one with twin too and both classic can,t wait in yer face ................................................wife not too pleased either ......!!!!!! obsesive boat collect and general junk disorder with a hint orf scitso and mentla unstably and new long beard a lite uss too next pic of a huge engine room on a one off build, 500hp in there ,now orf to test the ole radar gun orf the loal fuzz....??????? twin turbo ford with bery short exhaust too no for these quite waters ....... naw then look at thee speed orf this , quick dunn river with a huge motor and large wake and rooster tale ........... rite ole mix bag of boot s in the other day in slip too .................. ziggy and new bird ....................................arghhhhhhhhhhhhh ziggi stardust and susi quatro ..............posh bird , posh names on ole dusty boot yrd too got great ole friend in one orf shudds this last week or so a loverly powles classic who we have known a whille too she will leave looking nice and brigth too well done sir and his miisus for looking after her .......dunn us all proud bourgth from us and looks really well nice and busy this week end too lots to see and doo ............................ orf my land with ole shot gun up yer **** ................................ rite orf to work ................................
  2. will have a little tale to tell in next week or so as we travel orf to collect two woodies from far away place we will fight the ole tides from the south and those winds too the trip will be full of boring ole stories and i will mount me ole head cam and waffle on about some ole sqiit so yer all can see it on that yer yub thangeey...... here is the water ........................here is the bow ....................here is the sky .............!!!!!!! arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh phewwww.................... enjoy ......................................
  3. good luck okle boy sell some orf them to the ones that can afford and good luck to yer ..... wish there were more like this ..................................... wood is good but .............................yuo will have to paint it ....!!!!
  4. arghhhhh blimmmey not been posting for a long time too busy yard took over my life as per the norm ....... yard still busy with antifoul schemes lift and get thta ole botoom dunn on all them boots been moving stuff around the yard and trying to get rid orf some orf the ole stuff we have sold alot of boat last few months with our sister boat sales side of the buisness not bad results for an ole ruff boot yard i say ......we sell boats yar knaw ....!!!!! been on travels to help other breakdowns and rescues etc still bit behind with some works but go alot done in last few months went on travel to buy a another boot for the infamaous " mr B " well done naother to the fleet nice big ole girl now need some more yachts please yard all up side down with the clear out losing some classic boat,s this last few week sold to new homes etc ,shame but i have to realize i can,t do them all lots of people come on yard had to help some nice families with a few issues too on the water all sorted met some orf the forum nutter,s too ,now orf my land ....................with a gun up yer **** .....!!!!! nice to see some ole customer,s too blimmey got my first winter boat two weeks ago ,some one is in early ,too early for me ...... winter booking filling up now ................... been zipping about ere there and every where last weeks or so to view boats for customer for boat sales so got to see lots and meet some great people and source some fantastic bargain,s and nice boat,s to match to new owners ................lucky people ..............well done all record,s broken lots orf dogs on yard with owner chasing them around .................. "ziggy " the goose is still her despite his arthritic legs but has got new wind now, with his new girl friend called " suzie " little stud muffin .................................. dam rian in last few months has caused the dam rudd to move and back to mess again argh well get the digger out again.................. lifted some cracking selection orf craft from modern plastic for quick prop change to a sinking classic woodie yachts too transport in and out during the weeks with both self loading hiab loorys in same day in and out and orf to collect and deliver those boot s all over the uk and abroad wild life quite active with the otters and kingfishers busy and the perch chasing there supper in the early eves all the swans have come to show orf there young too and they are all little darlings .... at last a sight to see, as i type this ,nice fluffy clouds with a bit of blue sky and at last no wind .....no rain will be a pleasure to ..................... so i do moan and get depressed but i,m a lucky chap despite all the streees etc ..all my own yar now there is a little sayin................................... i thourgth i was unlucky too , not to have any shoes, till i meet the chap " who had no feet " ........!!!!!!!! so i,ll get orf me **** and get out side now to get some work dunn, meet customers and work on me yard ...... just one more coffee and with all three sugrs to help me goo .........................
  5. orf my land i said ................................................................!!!!!!! keep him away ................................................................. yer not welcome ...................................
  6. no no no nits to keep yer boater away we only like foot traffic ........
  7. what a great story, love this well dun all nice ole job rite thats it i,m orf to get a fast ole plastic etc nice pics and i,ll do the smae trip too rite on from a rough ole boot yrd bloke .................... VERY GOOD ...................................... LIKE LOIKE ....LIKE
  8. arh well been a bit slack with post on here so little info for yer trunkers ..... nothing happened ,nothing to do so no reports ......................... apart from rian rian rain in my little micro climate bust little slip tow boat in an out lifts up and down ohh some more rain .................. boat sales are slipping along quite nicely but need more boat to sell looking for yachts ,cruisers etc
  9. 650xs

    I'm here, where?

    just dun the rudd from me ........ the somerton valleys ...............perhaps ....................sound s at the hickling view toward the yellow river..??? water tower at the same place the wind turbins thnagies ....... windy ole rudd up thar ue know ............ watch them ole motor bikes ............neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww or not .............................??????
  10. flatt out and full throttle on the broads i say get them ole banks wider and wash a waffie up and down for a change ....!!!!! drive it like yer stole it .........................!!!!!
  11. during the war ..................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............orf me land ...................
  13. goose ...guard .....grrrrrrrr............. watch the really bad attitude orf that ole big mouth bloke across that ole yard he is nasty to cross................... be warned be warned ........................ police are always there too bit dodgey I reckon ....................
  14. heloooooooooooooo and ehh uppppppppppppppp.............................. mow orf my land ..................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. well dun nice little ole job i say yer enjoy it we just sold a dandy last week big ole space in laittle ole boot good luck and keep going ..................................... launch any time free or charge at me ole boot yard when yer dun regrds .............................................grumpy jon
  16. just alittl ole bore with some sun sett stuff on a little cruise along the broads ..... nice to see some lovely customers leave us today with there new pride and joy and quick kiis from the owners wife and thnak shake had from mr sir too and on her meery way to far a feilds to new river and home a of a huge plastic sports boat what nice people too ............................... enjoy yer boat mr and mrs "P" yer dersrve it she does look lovely now well dunn yard full orf all sorts at mo lots to sell and move away too make way for more boat coming next week lift outs and antifoils etc todo bit worn out at mo and need aday off or 100 n.........................????? so will sit this day out and get some sleep and rest back onit when i,m better too more woodis arive this week and queing to come out again too naw then the man said is this plank long enough ......................??????? one of the new cabin side sfor a wooodie all hands on plank to moove this greet ole bit orf wood yar naw ......................... still got one or two boat giving me greif and will do what i can to sort it out ...................... all thta allly to climb into a boat arhh well better to be safe ,its bigger than the boat ....... got aload of project for sale at mo any one ...............??????.......................
  17. quite a bit to do still got a back log of work to deal with too ............................. not much new there then ................................. boats in and out and still they come from far and wide ..................... quite afew little yachts on trailer and in water to sell ............................ been for quite a few little ride we prospective buyers on river trails up and dun the ole river and quite nice too it was outboards come and goo as per the norm with little issues and big ones too working on a beast the other day with all v6 cylinders roaring into life .......nice that,ll upset the neighbors...!!! still working on three woodies at mo one in water at last and taken up a treat at mo the others to the team are doing well coming along too whilst on walk with mutts noticed me ole beach had had a change or two with the wind blow and sand shift too bit more orf the ole rocks exposed next to sea wall bit like spring days instead or mid summmer working on a trouble some ford this week and got it done at last diesel one and petrol too both behaving now volvo next yummy...............................
  18. blimmey another borin g slow week.................................. not much happen here .................................!!!!!!!!! lorries in and out ................. boats in and out some say why 650xs the pic says it all .................................. its a racing two stroke outboard for power boat racing back in the day lots of people ....................... swans say hello lots orf helicopter fly over and classic planes too wind rain and then dam hot hot hot then some more rain lots orf engines to fix keep them ole fishser men happy to gor for the bass on coast and the inland boys to pooodle and does orf to sleep ,.....lucky bugggers new ones too lots orf ole oot bord to sell too a woodie in for a dunk naw then yuong matt get that tennner yer dropped back ............................... quick saw dust bath dun the trad way with wayford woodies this boat was along ole haul to do lots orf hold ups too glad she is hitting the wet stuff now now then then .......................................ive got nowt to do so i beeter find sum thang....................................... we have moved large and small on boat tranport this week in all direction s dun south with a sports cruiser ................ up north twice to collect two little ole darlings for a cutomer to do some projects then orf to the big ole smoke ditch a classic steelie then poor ole chris was up to top end of scotland rit eto the top will take a day or two ............................ it was nice to talk to the trasport boys chris and squireel and of coarse not forgetting our top man russell................ what a star in all that heat this week good job yer got air con i say now we are at fulll capacity as both trucks are fully operational on the small boat side mine is fixed all under warranty ....!!!!!! more to collect next week ....................................... more to come in i have a confession i was seen rolling around with some dogs in the grass havin five mins with some orf my fav animals ,i did not fall asleep ................................. opsssss..............must geton...................................... orf my land dam towniis .............................!!!!!!!
  19. argh dam and blast it me truck is ok and we are up and running again on all 4x4 bloody good job as ruds flooded on way hum ................ water everywhere at hum and on bach in the rud at yard and the river I suppose id better get some riund me ole chest and go for dip might as well as wet as a wet thang been building an old classic ford this week ......................... I find it very therapeutic to do this it s like river bank fishing makes yer think and no one to hassle me loverly ........................... and stripping alittle two stroke starter too worn brushe s, need a good clean and lub too, been stood for yrs at least it works for know but wil advise new brush set, winding,s and armature all good thou no over heat damage there orf hum now long ole day at the yard again ...................... try and get sum sleep ......................................................
  20. it s been raining so hard in last 6 hrs here ..................... a classic littl ole boot apleasure to work on too built on the thames but lives here ......................... nice little touch with boat builder plaque cleaned and little polished and lacquered of coarse , too not to brigth as too much bull makes it a bit pretentious this boat is coming together now at last been along time with lots of hold up customer been very patient, thank yuo sir ..................... a small collection of small craft from classic ole colvic to a pike fisher and week ender some will notice that the colvic been here befor, yep it was and had to come back due to large ole accident to the rudder broken and bent prop shaft opppppppppppppss...........oh dear .......................how much.......!!!!!! so much rain the ole river will be in full flow from the canal today, surfs up ...................it must be time for the wayford bore !!!!
  21. ohh dear ohh dear ive broke it ...........................,more money ....................umphhhhhhhhhhhhhhh see yer later ..........................off to fix a major elec prob never mind i ahve a spare or two or three or four ............................. back with boot stuff .....................................more boat arive this week to sell and works ................... lifts to do and move ........................... we are a bit full in the slip so will have to get hem out orf way and expect next batch in .......... week end look busy with meeting and cutomer viewings on the boot sales etc road still abit flatter and goose has perked up after his past illness .............. nice and clean prop rite rudder good and bottom dun too.................................nice little job
  22. naw then lloking for swan pics but got these of a long awaited woodie still got work to do ........................... new posh name on her bum too..................... transport in and transport out all day every day too........ and what a nice super clean ole plastic with some great people too........ opps did i put me greeet ole booot s on the flooor ..................naw orf me boot yer dirty boot yard man !!!!!!
  23. more works b ut had enough fed up with boots ......................... her are some boring ole pics ............... big beastie for sale and now sold now she will make a good sea boot and inlander tooo modern elec tric in for a quick clean .......................and its yank one too .........!! ohhh me ole cows or bullocks from dun the ole river .................. swans have just dropped three chicks and they come and shew me tooo lovely to see they come every year to see me ........ it was a great ole nest made from wayford reed and weeed too a classic ole woodi nice stebbing 35 need new home home ................. do these keys match yer boot sir dangle them in front of there nose and they will follow.....................collect nice little posh shetlad back to wayford for new customer to nurse and tend to his new baby ........
  24. well blast me i,m not too chuppa at mo so a bit lacj on the ole up dates etc ......... so here goes .................................... lots to do and little to do it with ............................................ boat are still in and out and up and down outboards time for us several sea fishing boats to do with little problems too most all done now so they can go and catch them great ole large " big mouth bass " of the rocks up here at palling etc and mackerel feathering too ,might join them soon too ,that will be nice diy shed busy had another hampton in.......!!!!!! surely no more hamptons .................... queen is slogging along with new roof now along with new decks too....................... other woodie in other shed is nearly done too what a stunner she is too she loook a treat ............... been along time with a slow ole job to do stop starts etc and staff change .......................grhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ road has had another scrape or too to make it a bit flatter so now ready for next year to do grand prix ...!!!! hoist is up and doen slip every day with boat in and out we have alot of boats for sale too getiing full with is good taken alot of project in too some rite nice ones too lots of engine work to do gear box ,leg drive and comlicated v8s with issues too ................. we have been collecting boat,s from all over too and orf again soon to see some more we are always need boats for sale or store ......................................??? seen some nice diys boat come in and leave a dam site better too...............well dun customers
  25. we buy sell boats moor them lift them transport them offer full diy shed for 8 boats etc etc etc etc etc ................................. we need boats to sell we are selling boats from 3/8 boat aweek now all types ...................................got a boat.................????? get a quote
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