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Everything posted by 650xs

  1. taking un wanted family on a river trip .....i get yer .....!!!! drop the bodies over the side ........................i gotcha........!!!! like yer style ...............!!!! need some help just ask .......................... discreet...................ssshhh........................ .................enjoy yer trip .....................................
  2. we have a customer who wants to cruise the English canal net work....... he wants to swop / exchange his 30 foot freeman twin engine cruiser for a like narrow beam narrow boat for use on canal net works uk simple you use the freeman he use s he narrow boot ..... or swop etc etc for more in fo got to my web site or email me just hourgth I mention it ,sounds a good idea to me ....!!!!???? worth a look I say thank you jon ................... happy to help .............
  3. 650xs

    Weather Stations

    opppps that will be me then ......................!!!!!!!
  4. simalr mr scott but sadly not .......... I worked on santa margerita ..........ohh was at harveys tooo love it...
  5. stick yer head ooot or the window yer lazy buggers ........ spend two secs orf that heated helm seat ,have a look then yar knaw yer rite ...... SIMPLES ............................................................................ enjoy ................................
  6. yard has got probs ....................................... not enough day lite hrs ........................................... not enough room .......................... just taken in a great ole steelie........................ just pull oot a ole plastic..............or two ................. luanch a nice ole woodie from one of shuds ................tooo well dun mr .........................she doo look fine got a vsit today from alocal witha fantastic little launch with atwist .... ex little ships life booot ,nice all alloy with new iroko internals and a new motortoo .................... built 1969 and look great, great little boot well dun sir and madam and nice to see blimmey its as old as me .............................. very busy day for boat sale team today well dunnn again record broken and lots of happy customer too nice to meet some loverly people too .............................. message for my mate " mr frank" ....................................yer can breathe now and rest it yours ..................no stress....!!!!!! will sort oot in morn lifts and such , orf hum now for some scoff and fill little sun set over the ole yard as i leave ................................not too dark .....................but getting darker ...........!!!!
  7. rite back orf after a fill up with food and drink ..not too much yar knaw ............ thank mr land lord orf the ole ship ....................reedham ..............................ummmmmmmmmm...... back to boots in the dark .........................check all good then orf to yarco land i fear ....... plenty rooom under swing bridge and nose in to main stream and awaaaaaay ehh upppp...........................whats this ..............................."fog ".................................. and as we progress to yarco its getting worse, sea fret from ole north sea .................and it freeting me ..... slow but sure we creep along go to make beurny arms by midnite .............................. in nad out of the main stream with care dodging the swells and making slow progress through the smog ...... with the broomm in front leading way with great ole hudge beam of light which was" as musch good as a turtle with mud flaps "...........................!!!!! we made the mill adn moor for the rest of wait for ole man tide .............................. just miss the bruud authorata barge, as not lite up and the ole smog was really like me by naw ......"thick " steady moor up .tie up sort ropes oot and wait for the drop to get orf to yarco ........... brrrrr bit chillly will need little snifter from the stock of "mr b" stock orf fine imported hard stuff ,all for merdisonal of coarse....................... once we had a fill and digest orf the quite ,listen to the ole mooos from the marshes at halvergate great noise and rustle from dykes and reeeds as the nite animals move around ....................nice we set orf to complete the crossing ..................................... nice nad slow across breydon missing the the seals and dodging the odd post ............................. we never make mistakes but .......................we did go rung side orf post and got a bit too close to the seals barsking on the mud ...!!!!! lucky soon "hard to starboard " and back in main stream again opssss...................................................... soon inn open water with clear view as we enter the asda bend ,smog clearer now and up the bure with care ................. broom in front and me behind in ole classic 1927 ...................now then laets wake sum of them ole hires up as we plod up the bure ...!!!!! last pic is my view from wheel house when it day lite !!!!!! and no posh ole search lite for me we had to remove from roof as the ole girl was a bit on high side to clear them ole bridges ......................well made it to easy other wise
  8. the gate way to the broads is as you leave the lock at the canal and head on the proper river ant ....... past the ruff ole yard on the left...!!!!! and enter the clean waters of the the rest orf the ole net works ........ the gate way is where yuo start from like leaving yer house ...................but in this case leave the gate open "mooring" so yer can gooback and let others in for a peak .................................. enjoy........................................jon
  9. back to trip ,yard stuff and boots and dogs etc etc etc ................. thank yer mr ferry man to let us goo good ole boys too stop at reedham village and get some ole fresh waater in the posh boot ....the broom toolate for cakes .dammm these ole broom boots have to have fresh waater every few miles, silly sods ................ so moor up talk to ole mate at the sanderson place ...................alrite jon ...!!!! meet a few admire from one or two passers buy too then water tank full take mick out orf some ole plastics moored up and take long hard look at what to do next ............................pub ...............EASY ... had to wait for ole farther tide ......................... like all in narfolk land itee take time yar now
  10. 650xs


    do I say hello or orf my land bloomy norfenrs again ..............!!!!!! umphhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............................. thya every hwar e hh upp egheey thump whares me flap cap and whippet ............... ops sorry must be offensive as from the north lincs ...........ohhhh I say .posh northerns welcome and hello nar orf my land blimmey townies ...................... just to note blood line is "Beverly ..............kent " ...ohh deear ...............oppps
  11. please note mooring is now not next year first come first serve ......................... be quick as lots or interest
  12. now orf my land ................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome and start moaning.it easy ............................. each to thar own I say ........................................
  13. tow plots rite nice be quick ............... one 30 foot both with electric and water great spot too poss a 40 foot one too contact me asap via wayfordmoorings@yahoo.co.uk these are very sort after ............... well cheap too on private plot not my yard but here at wayford .............. be quck ................. buy boat from us and have a superb spot to moor too !!!!!!!!
  14. if its worth saving i,ll get it ................................................. mentla yep thats me ..................XXXXXX!!!!!!??????? wife has lose cause, she says .................................. more on trip stora later ................ i love all booat what ever flots yer boot il,m with yer met some nice people today too busy for a sunday too ........... even took a crewe dun river in the old clasic for a see how its dun type of thang both engis flatt out, naw catch me mr river ranger ...............!!!!!!! well had to do it ....................... and it was nice to see ole brundall too bring back memoires of "taxi ride break downs " and other stories too ohhh how we larf..............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????? ohh met a nice ole steel wide beam narrow boat last week bloody nice bloke but soom upset him too .... orf my land and no fishing rules soon put him to bed ,,,,,,,,,,,,......................... good after noon sir and he does have a nice boot tooo ..................so sorry he is in my next door person yard ...??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhhhhhhh yes the brundall trip and resue another next .i digress yet gain ,must be me age .............numbtie...
  15. 650xs


    well if it got to be said ......i,lll do it............................... tell it how it is no drees up nor no holes bareed the bull can go along way, but the truth can not lie ................................ grab a bull by the horns and hang on ...................!!!!! stop listen and wait a while yar mite larn sum thang..................... remember i,m the worlds worst liar and bull person but even i have to eat humble pie ................ take a pic the world will see all ...........................
  16. 650xs


    its because there stuck in a drowning drumming noise ridden sardin can with a hint of green house sweating cooking machine ,listening to some ole rubbish super market music bu tnot all the time ........... would u be happy .............................. and just got a can of "how much " in one hand and trying to listen to the "one on the rite is a large house yer can,t afford " commnetary ...........................arghhhhhhhhhhhhpheeeeeeeew bring back me on the lizzie simpson with a joke and flatt out dun the river to thurne mill ............ or the "golden galeon "when we had a good ole larf............................dear ole cubcake ....!!!!! but they do doo good and get some gooood buiness, so said in jess no offence none taken wel dun trip boat guys and gals ......................been there dun that ,............................
  17. arghh but i did admire the rope tying ..................................!!!!?????? i like the ole wilds top craft conversion good idea should orf been more popular i reckon mr bill topless had some good idea s and the cavaran one was a dam good one opps i digress .................................... but i do ,do the bath tub, concrete etc not just a one booot man ye knaw
  18. arghh the wayford squireels ............................................... there mean unclean dirty machines ................................... swim .jump,nor and bore ..........just like the rest of us at wayford ...............!!!!!! some time swe see the wayford goose swim too............!!!!! and the nutter at wayford has been knowns to swim too .................... next week the squirrels will be in training for the three rivers too and larnnd to drive tractor ...
  19. well got a rest and three hrs sleep in the end atfter going constant for 24 hrs ,didn,t think ill stay asleep or awake !!!! all boats back safe and sound with owners new and old all pleased all round yard is drying out ,after last deluge of narfolk floods no more rain please ........................... boats are coming and going too more to arive in next few days ......................... lots of happy people with new toys ........................ last week got a call from a cutomer who said .................................i found a boat .......!!!!ohhh dear ..... he we go again ................................... so wait for foriegn bloke to travel form the far away smoke land in his posh ole motar....later in morn .collect my self and my adviser on all cross channel long distnace sea trips with all the sea experience as she was coming from a far away place with a nite crossing plannned ............................... so orf to brundall we gooo...............!!!! set foot on posh yard with nice freindly yard owner an d boat seller to meet nice couple of ole blokes ... doo yer accept rough ole boys ................??? so we spent the rest of morn looking talking and digesting all over this super transition cruiser with a great little history once all questions asked and engine run and all inspected with my best screw driver poking hole,s where there were none, we all shook hand s to wait for the next fourteen days of negotiations to proceed.............. a call later .............much later with at last the purchase was complete on a another broom to enter the wayford stable so all concerned vey happy nice ole boot too but she had to be moved asap along with another too ............................... so of to same zone with passport in hand to check out the other true classic woodie ................ so a classic transition boat form the broom stable and a very grand ole gril from 1927 full blown wood top and bottom are to make the wild trip across the narflok land pond the 1927 woodie was inspected to see if she was a leaker sinker and and gooer too .................. after a inspection of all important stuff like where to put beer, how to make coffee and can we put whisky glass on dash with it ooot vibrating orfff wasting it to help strip varnish orrf the floor ........!!! so engines checked and bilge pump operating elec and manaul one too, as she could be a rough ole trip and the weather could close in at any time crossong this vast expanse from north to south yar now the other crew were to collect the broom while i stayaed at the helm of the classic 1927 ship we moved from posh marina and raft up along side of the woodie unplug the 240 volt link to the shore and fired up the modern twin diesels ,whaeeey were orf ......................cast off all the knitting or customer rope tying push that ole broom away from me and i.ll use the twin engine on the woodie to manover way from the resting place where she has been for many a year , with lots orf grunt and skill to pull her away from a mud soaked berth and lots or sturring she was free to go whare she wants .............. the new crewe of the broom went of in front, while i dun a complete 360 to asecrtian the ships well being and general **** around well had to play ........!!!!! so nice little plod dun past all the gin palces and the birth pace or the broom in front with a tip of the ole hat to respect orf her birth place .................. soon leave brundall and coldham hall to see the sister ship of another broom we have from the 45 foot family only four built yar now she does like nice too ..................................better make a start on ours soon ............!!!!!! so far all good ......................steady temps, steady speed not too much wash and nice water level in yer bilge with no rise nor wet feet ..................................!!!! we left at 2.30 pm in the noon with a fair wind and tide, nice bright day and med traffic to cope with on the " yare crossing " so all good ........................ blimmey this will be good , last time we did this we towed four back so not use to so little around me ...........nice to be continued................................and bore yer some more
  20. 650xs

    Sordid Past

    well done tim keep going and get some varnish on yer boot .................................... tudor woll look smart soon too naw get yer brush ooot and paint the rest orf the fleet at wayford .please two new boat arive this week yer like them too got wood on them ...................... more on these ones later ..................................... carry on mr tim .....................................................................
  21. well that was a turbulent last few days ......................... meet customer who came for chat about boots nad boot stuff "just in for a trunk " then 3 1/ 2 hrs later walkaway with a large boat under there arms ......blimmey just done a 24 non stop boat move and I,m tied and legs ache too so off tto moan at wiffe and lick dogs too ohh kick the dogs ...!! got some boat transport to sort out and launch a few too nice to see some old friends whilst out and about this last week from the old hire fleet days old memories too ............ shame to see the nelson and berney closd too ................. off to sleep and work now
  22. well blast me down with a brush I say ......... last few weeks have been a bit orf blurr boats in and out .......... boat s for sales are what we expect from now till 23 rd dec ..........all sold ....and selling too they are going like hot cakes too .......... yard lifts are are in and out ,we are getting ready for our trip to collect boats from far later today so plenty of feul ,trade plates and bodies to help with this one get the tides rite and go through the nite too ............. we look forward to accept these boats to our yard ..................... at last no rain sshhhhhhhh............for two days now ....great ........ phun is on melt down .................. goose is busy with his new bird ....!!!!! yard is still at nite with great sunsets and no wind so no midnite sails for us on barton this week .............. loads of fish and some cracking perch being caught ............ restos in shed coming along now and look a treat more on that one later ... better get on now ...........works to do..................
  23. we have just come back from a secret meet at ludham bridge this eve and spoke to a nice lady who told me orf this ole story and gave me her news paper too i will do some digging ................................... i,m tooo are very sadden by this we will shoot them ........................with pleasure ...............
  24. what abooot the ole boys at wayford i hear that they are to expect two new boot s for slae brand new ones in next two weeks ....tooo a sedan like the haines 34 and new fast fisher for the posh fiher folk on nthe coast etc 22 foot ????? it s not all hire fleet yer knaw ....................!!! busy behind the scenes with deals and info we do it all we may be a bit rougth but we gut the results ...... welcome to the proper working boot yard ......................
  25. i do own the small river verson of this and mine can perform a little faster too all in green and done about 6yrs gao too currenly in the store but i will bring her ooot going install more power as need mre speed too extra 40 hp on top of what we have alreadt toio should do it mine even has a glass bulb to view out orf too in the roof but the chap who owns this one is a star good ole boy well dun i say keep them on ther toes .... nar orf my sea too ...........................................
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