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Everything posted by Polly

  1. I think they may extend the Easter Break to create a one month closure, but I do not see how it helps. On the whole I do think the government is treading a fine line and doing OK. Our daughter has called off travelling into London daily now and is WFH. That is a big relief as she is asthmatic.
  2. I recall Gov Property stamped too. Schools? Local Gov Offices? I hope they didn't want them back! Oh! Scrub that thought!!!
  3. Me neither, what is wrong with squares of newspaper on a nail like my grandma had? 😋
  4. Sorry VC I just read your response to my comments. I agree with your points. I should have added in my post that I think the struggle China has engaged in subsequently is absolutely heroic. We owe them. I meant nothing derogatory, just reflecting objectively. The Chinese authorities seemed to be pretty much attributing cause as I outlined, some local officials were fired.
  5. Blimey Ray! Cheer us up?🤪 Seriously my thinking is that lessons are being learned the hard way in this outbreak, so hopefully, more prompt action to contain will be one carried forward. Had the authorities in Wuhan been more effective, starting with market oversight, it is possible none of this would have happened.
  6. Schools will not close readily, the virus seems to be less problematic for youngsters. The parents need to carry on working so the economic ‘hit’ is less. Note the suspension of legal limits to class sizes has been on the agenda, teachers will be expected to ‘double up’ as we did on occasion in the ‘olden days’ with staff away ill. Closure will be a last resort.
  7. Information is a weapon, scaremongering is irresponsible. I stick to BBC, NHS and the Guardian mainly. Some editors need to examine their behaviour, I think. I can see why Public Health England are moving to weekly updates, because the numbers are growing, but actually that makes me more rather than less anxious. We are the ‘wrong’ age for this bug and I have asthma, so I am being cautious; making plans to manage the situation, yet carrying on as normal generally.
  8. Grendel was ‘asking for a friend’.
  9. Yes you do start noticing when you touch your face, it is hard to train yourself out of it. Will handcuffs then be the next ‘out of stock’ item d’you think? 🤪
  10. You have met me Paul! £3 down already.
  11. Peter, please give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  12. I think we need to stay factual y’know?
  13. Yes, Matt Hancock on BBC1 5 minutes ago said best information is about 2% mortality.
  14. The mortality rate is not 7% even in Wuhan where the health services have been severely stretched. “Potential association between COVID-19 mortality and health-care resource availability Ji, Yunpeng et al. The Lancet Global Health, Volume 0, Issue 0” 1 to 2.5% would appear to be more accurate.
  15. I gave up the ‘f word’ last year. Paid £1 for every failure and raised £20 for charity. Might do the same again.....backsliding has occurred through the year. 😋
  16. I had Asian Flu as a bratling. Public information was working hard as I recall. One morning Reverend Mother came into class and described symptoms, telling us to report to the teacher if we had them. As she spoke, I became aware I had them, having felt fine first thing. I worried I was maybe just imagining it, next thing I was home in bed, ill for a fortnight. The onset was pretty rapid.
  17. I asked the rest of the committee before posting the advice notice. Maxwellian was concerned that we don’t end up with ‘unofficial’ possibly misleading advice. I am sure we members and the mods will be on it with this. Personally the dog/boat/ head off on the river idea appeals, although I have no dog and Brilliant would sink right now. Timbo says he is ok because he hasn’t bought any Corona for years. (If you don’t understand this joke, ask your granny) 😀
  18. Hands clean and often is our No1 strategy.
  19. It is what it is, keep calm and carry on with an eye to the government advice, I guess.
  20. We were considering how to offer members reliable and non-sensationalised info on this topic. We ‘phoned a friend’! Probably the best advice out there right now if folks are worried in a general sense in how to protect themselves , this is from the WHO: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-publiC This is the Uk gov webpage which is a little more daunting and less easy to navigate https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public Hope this is helpful.
  21. Er yes, on my spreadsheet. I could have outwitted myself (again) will check later! Nearer the time I will put the spreadsheet on the thread but I don't want to post too many versions.
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