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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Spring is on its way! Our Spring Gathering is a great opportunity to get together, have a BBQ, a drink, a chat; to meet old friends and make new ones. Here’s the current outline: Friday, May 15th Ranworth. This is a come as you please, moor as you please day. Some may get on the Staithe, others may mudweight, raft up, or moor on the island, whatever you like. Forum Flags and Channel 4 will help identify forum members who are around for informal get togethers. Saturday May 16th 1030am we depart in single file, flags and bunting flying if you have them for a cruise in company to Salhouse Broad Lunchtime Meet and greet after mooring up.We plan for some stalls, demos or exhibitions in the afternoon. Tea and cake at 4pm! + Lazy Treasure Hunt 7pm BBQ and music. 9.30 Late night Quiz We usually have a bring and share bar running throughout. Sunday May 17th informal. People chat and boat visit and depart at their own pace. Salhouse Broad mooring for Saturday has to be paid in advance! So please, as you sign up also use the Paypal button, at the top of the page, to pay £10 for your mooring. Sorry, this has to be non-refundable. In the event that we have a small amount left over, we will donate it to one of our charities and keep members informed of this. Please sign up as follows: Forum Name/Boat Name /Number Aboard./Friday y/n. /Saturday y/n eg. Polly/Zoe/ 2/Friday y/Saturday y This is the sign up only thread. To keep things clearer I have opened a second thread for discussing the Gathering.
  2. Being a bit dim here..... as I read Sandford, there was also a requirement to protect the cultural heritage of the area. In our case that is surely navigation without too big a stretch of the wording?
  3. I wonder if the Lake District CEO has visited Ambleside or Bowness on a Bank Holiday recently? There is no problem with the mix of visitors at all, all ages all ethnicities and abilities. As for numbers ... well there was no shortage of visitors at all.
  4. Well it is sentimental of course. But things are just things, junk even, without their history.
  5. My obsession is The Repair Shop. I love seeing real craftsmanship and the stories are good too.
  6. We had a very pleasant New Year’s Day lunch with Ynys Mon and family, watching a bit of Morris Dancing-as you do!
  7. Happy New Year to all
  8. A very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year to everyone.
  9. Oh boy and I was stuck in London all day. Not jealous of course!
  10. Winter layup, the mast was taken off at Whelptons. They said it just needed routine winter work ay Oulton.
  11. I would have scarpered at the phrase ‘doggie hospital’ infantile!
  12. Every little helps. And he does inspire youngsters.
  13. As long as her name is not Emma.... I think the honour should be given, maybe when he ‘retires’ and is able to do more for youngsters...?
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07sls58 ’Vicky Pollard’ explains Brexit. Enjoy!
  15. It was fun, it was high-scoring and really close: Mike won. Thanks to all who took part. Anyone seen my broomstick, err paintbrush?
  16. Disappointing. SA were able to gain repeated penalties from our weaker scrum. Given that this was a foreseen risk, maybe not enough was done in setting up a response. Strength trumped elegance in todays match. Of course the early concussion didn't help.
  17. Ahh now the varnish would be a thing ...
  18. We are on! Where? Chatroom . What? A spooky Halloween quiz with a few Saintly appearances. Who? ALL welcome, it is strictly for laughs...unless you win, then you have to set the next quiz When 8.30 tonight. Why? For fun! http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/index.php
  19. No G. If you put the current chaos as a joke, nobody would think it credible enough to bother to get to the punchline.
  20. Er....? Politics??? Now I am a total politics addict, just ask him indoors, but I think the TOS says I can’t get into it here??? All these years not sounding off.... and then this! Snot fair! I will write to my MP!!!
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