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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Well somebody was bound to mention it. , if you are going, take a mackintosh.
  2. Yes that is a good price. Our Henry was more, but I fell for his smile!
  3. Thanks G .Thinking about it, we should have taken the mini-tool set. We are working in tandem so rely on the dustbags on all our sanders as primary air quality protection.
  4. Thanks Dave, when working alone I can do that. Does it upset the Henry?
  5. I was reviewing our tool train for the work done, and on the whole it was pretty effective. Heat guns were fine; we used a variety of scrapers. Poppy’s suggested Harris Tungsten Carbide were a late entry in that we bought them mid-week, but were excellent and will do well next session from the outset. Thanks Poppy! Makita random orbital sanders were next with 80 then 120 grit and lots of disc changes. We will do 220 just ahead of varnishing next year. Palm sanders were the weakest link, we have two, one Parkside which is not random orbital and one Tacklife, which is. They both take a lot of controlling, and that is tiring, gor me more than Phill; also the sanding pads were easy to dislodge on the Tacklife. In deference to hoping not to suffocate(!) we supplemented breathing masks with a Henry Hoover. This was a major outlay but he did really well in keeping the air breathe-able and the workspace clean. Ah, I should not forget the essential kettle and coffee. So, I guess I need to give the mouse/palm sander a bit more consideration for next time; also the cabinet scrapers for tricky areas.
  6. Polly

    My Day

    Tidy up and leave this morning, but we decided that we could have a treat. With treat in mind we headed to Felbrigg Hall, which was a new visit for us. Good choice! The Hall was set in the loveliest grounds; and, being NT, the tea room scones were excellent. Star of the show by a long way is the walled garden, with fabulous planting and shady walks. The free range chickens were entertaining the visitors there, strolling about, and the famous dovecote had several resident doves looking picturesque. (I can’t help feeling that this dovecote has featured in a Harry Potter game I have played.....) Anyway, back to reality; we set off for home at about 4 and here we are. Work on Monday. We hope to be back on Brilliant in a few days time.
  7. We should survive for one night on it.
  8. Air cooled and thanks for the libation.
  9. We have taken the cockpit down to 120 grit and will take it further when its comes to finishing work now. Next objective is the cabin sides and outside coaming around the
  10. Making some progress in the cockpit
  11. Polly

    My Day

    Nice chair, are you sure ‘breaking it in’ was the best choice of language?
  12. Polly

    My Day

    Argh! Who ordered the heatwave? I can tell anyone who wants to hear that heat-stripping varnish in a closed space on a day like today was erm.. hot!! Nevertheless we are on track and will do an early shift tomorrow, packing up before lunch. Today we went back at about 3 but it was hopelessly hot, that’s not happening tomorrow. We will skive off, probably to Ranworth. We had a pleasant chat with Paladine and Mrs Paladine in between working. Mrs P was doing a really lovely pencil drawing.
  13. Polly

    Nice Poster

    I forgot the policeman and the hosepipe.. must re-read!
  14. Polly

    My Day

    Ohh well done Boycee, spot on!
  15. Polly

    My Day

    Ok this is the morning shot. Where is it?
  16. Polly

    My Day

    Will do, Lulu, but she isn't a pretty sight just now. Also, apologies! Your windscreen covers got left behind this morning. We are back in Mid-September.
  17. Hello Wayne , welcome to the Forum. You are on the right side of the bridge for the best sailing.
  18. Polly

    My Day

    Today the roads into the Broads were quiet in the early morning, hooray! We were so early in Upton that the pub was shut! Now this was bad because, no coffee, and good because we headed to the boatyard and there found Tradition and Cerise Lady moored up. So with a cup of Katie’s tea and a lovely ‘catch up’ chat with everyone; we could not have done better. We checked out Brilliant eventually then headed for the caravan which will be home for a few days while we work on the boat. It belongs to old friends so we were immediately comfortable. The view is just great so I am posting a ‘guess where’ to annoy everyone. We headed back to Wroxham to collect a few things from the mooring, and buy an electric fan! I have a feeling it will be needed this week. It will be down to a bit of hard graft tomorrow.
  19. Polly

    My Day

    We had a lovely afternoon on Saturday, visiting Boughton House. It’s really palatial and still in private hands, the Duke of Buccleuch’s I believe. It isn't open a whole lot, so we took the opportunity for a couple of guided tours. I especially enjoyed the one that took us behind the scenes, and upstairs rather than grand state rooms. Our guide was a sturdy 80 something who had been born on the estate and had first-hand information going back through the decades. ‘This is the housekeepers sitting room, I had many a tea here as a lad,’ ‘We all liked to get into the kitchen, it was pretty cold everywhere else’ ‘That is the present Duke’s grandmother, she was a lovely lady, we used to come up from the school to sing for her at Christmas.’ The Duke’s PA was a formidable woman, fair, but a bit scary. And so on... ...but the story I liked best relates back to the C18th. The family has a reputation as animal lovers; and the Duke of that time had responsibility for the Royal Menagerie in the Tower of London. When any of the creatures became too old and needed to retire, he brought them to Boughton House to live out their days in comfort and peace. No animal was ever put down. There had been a persistent story in the family of a lion in the pantry. Recently the archivist found a letter from that Duke laying down his instructions for ‘Lion’. Our guide read them to us. Lion was to be let out as soon as the servants were up and allowed to go wherever he liked. Hw was to have food prepared for him and a bowl of water always available in the pantry. He could go where he liked all the day and to be shut up warmly when the servants went to bed. Some time later Lion no 2 joined the household! That was some kitchen cat!
  20. Steve O was selling his recently, it sails too. Try a pm? The dinghy is/was in Horning.
  21. You can get them as cheap as £15 from online chandleries.
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